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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Causes and Effects of Learning Difficulties
Circumstances and end results of Learning Difficulties All learning incapacities are neurological clutters, the impacts are from distinction in the way an individual’s mind work. Youngsters with learning handicaps can be as savvy as their friends who don't have learning difficulties. Nonetheless, it very well may be hard for kids with learning inabilities to peruse, compose, reason, review data, spell and as a rule make sense of things all alone without direction. Learning inabilities are generally deep rooted issues and they can't be fixed or restored. Youngsters that experience the ill effects of learning inabilities can prevail in school with the correct help and management. Guardians have a significant influence in a child’s achievement in school. Guardians ought to support children’s qualities and know their shortcoming. They ought to comprehend the training framework and find out about systems in beating explicit challenges in the learning incapacity by coordinated efforts and teaching themselves by experts. Nu merous acclaimed individuals in American history had learning inabilities, for example, Albert Einstein who wasn’t ready to peruse until age nine (What is a Learning Disability? | LD OnLine, n.d.). As indicated by the National Institutes of Health one in each seven Americans experiences at any rate one learning incapacity. Perusing trouble overwhelms with up to 80 percent of understudies battling with perusing consistently. Also, fundamental perusing and language capacities are usually present in youngsters that experience the ill effects of learning incapacities. Present day medication has made some amazing progress in diagnosing and rewarding a portion of the normal learning inabilities, for example, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) and Dyslexia, just as the lesser realized Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Visual Perceptual and Visual Motor Deficit. Researchers are learning each day how to all the more likely analyze and increment support for those that are troubled with learning difficulties. In the event that a child’s learning handicap is found early enough in their life the correct direction can enable the kid to build up the essential abilities expected to carry on with a beneficial life. As of late the National Institute of Health held an investigation which uncovered more than 67 percent of understudies with perusing troubles turning out to be at a normal level or above in perusing after unique assistance was given in early evaluations. In the event that a parent is instructed and mindful of the early indications of learning handicaps, they can perceive potential signs early and get them help. Numerous guardians can perceive character in their kids that can be brought about by learning handicaps. At a preschool age if a parent sees the elocution issues, trouble following headings, slow jargon, articulation, inconve nience learning numbers, letter set, hues and shapes and frequently talks later than kids their age they ought to get their youngster checked for learning inabilities. In kindergarten through fourth grade kids with incapacities can give indications of moderate learning the associations among letters and sounds, confounding essential words, making steady spelling and understanding mistakes and poor coordination. Through evaluation 5 and 8 youngsters may experience issues with penmanship, switch letter arrangements, inconvenience raising companions and hell understanding non-verbal communication and outward appearances. In secondary school and through their grown-up years an individual with a learning incapacity may keep on spelling mistakenly, experience difficulty summing up, and trouble changing in accordance with new settings. Learning incapacities were an obscure wonder just credited to be Minima cerebrum harm preceding the 1940’s. There was no distinction between an understudy with cerebrum harm, and a lower IQ, versus an understudy with a high knowledge and a learning inability (History of Learning Disabilities (Part 1), n.d.). Dr. Douglas Haddad says â€Å"children who showed challenges in learning were believed to be intellectually impeded, showed passionate aggravations, or be socially and socially upset. Early investigations on people with learning issues detailed that they had indistinguishable taking in issues from people who were appeared to have cerebrum harm, yet seemed ordinary, in any case. Accordingly, the term â€Å"minimal cerebrum damage†was presented. â€Å". Further examination recommended that these learning issues were less issues with the cerebrum itself, yet more naturally invigorated learning handicaps. The term â€Å"minimal cerebrum dysfunction†(MBD) was presented. In 1961, President John F. Kennedy made the President’s Panel on Mental Retardation (Chiles, 1987). Expanding measures of cases caused enthusiasm for understudy learning, and examination started. â€Å"In 1969, the government perceived â€Å"specific learning disabilities†as a classification with a specialized curriculum. The idea of explicit learning inabilities alluded to a specific subgroup of understudies who didn't accomplish scholastically with their capacity, apparently because of a focal sensory system brokenness that was basically ascribed to a wide range of mental disorders.†- Dr. Douglas Haddad. Presently understudies with learning incapacities, for example, dyslexia, Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have uncommon projects set up for them to learn in a situation exceptional to their necessities. Our faculties are isolated, so not everything that our ears hear is deciphered by our cerebrums. This would be the situation with Auditory Processing Disorder (APD). Understudies with this issue can have hearing that is passing, or even better than expected for their sound-related test, yet experience difficulty learning because of the way that they can't decipher the sounds that they hear. For the normal individual the mind forms sounds consistently and immediately. With APD, some distinction blends that procedure, to a kid with APD, â€Å"Do you need to ride your bicycle or watch a movie?†might be handled or seen as â€Å"Do you like Mike or bunch cookies†. It can make straightforward inquiries or orders incredibly hard for somebody who has been determined to have APD. Other learning issue present fundamentally the same as issues in day by day undertakings. Dyscalculia and Dysgraphia are two instances of other learning issue that can make the typical learning process a troublesome and awkward experience. Dyscalculia is characterized as a numerical inability where an individual makes some troublesome memories taking care of number-crunching issues and getting a handle on math ideas. Dysgraphia is characterized as a composing inability wherein an individual thinks that its difficult to shape letter or compose inside a characterized space. Youngsters and grown-ups can experience the ill effects of at least one of these learning incapacities which would make customary adapting incredibly troublesome (Understood | For Learning and Attention Issues Understood, n.d.). The got group, creators for theunderstood.org state †Many youngsters with APD likewise have dyslexia, ADHD and different conditions. Ongoing examination recommends that sound-related preparing issues might be a contributing variable to dyslexia.†Professionals can analyze these distinctive learning issue, and for the most part they analyze them at a youthful age. There is no distinction in what these kids see or hear, however there is a significant contrast in the manner that they get this data. They can battle in one territory, for example, Math, or English, or even memory yet exceed expectations in others. Specific educators can have a significant impact in guaranteeing that these youngsters prevail in today’s world. Consideration deficiency hyperactivity issue had first been depicted in 1902 by a Sir George Still, trailed by the proof that ADHD could emerge from mind injury in 1923 by a Franklin Ebaugh; in 1967 the Federal Government reserves (National Institute of Mental Health) first utilized for examining impacts of energizers on kids with hyperactivity. Measurements of ADHD had started in 1972 with a little under 6% for the National Health Interview Survey, trailed by a second review in 1976 with insights closer to 5% in a period where Cylert, Dextrostat and Dexadrine had made advances available to rival Adderall (Data and Statistics | ADHD | NCBDDD | CDC, n.d.). This anyway was the start of the intervention forms which had begun to overwhelm down to earth practices of helping this brokenness. The paces of ADHD just kept on developing by a more slow rate, yet getting to roughly 3% every year from 1997 to 2006 and a normal of around 5% every year from 2003 to 2011, overviews demonstrating tha t the expansion is developing exponentially constantly! In 2003 the overview had a measurement consequence of 7.8% for kids analyzed, at that point had developed to 9.5% in 2007 and in 2011 the measurement was up to 11% in kids between the ages of 4-17 (6.4 million). The normal shifted from state to state with a low 5.6% in Nevada to a high of 18.7% in Kentucky (Data and Statistics | ADHD | NCBDDD | CDC, n.d.). Children with ADHD will in general be effortlessly occupied, missing subtleties, and much of the time changing what they are doing at the exact instant following a couple of moments. They experience issues concentrating on a certain something and become exhausted without any problem. Commonly they experience difficulty centering, sorting out, learning and finishing schoolwork, regularly losing things, for example, pencils and toys. Staring off into space is normal, trouble handling data rapidly and precisely, just as adhering to direction or guidelines. Additionally side effe cts of hyperactivity may cause battling, relentless talking, running around, experiencing issues doing errands discreetly and imprudently exclaim arbitrary remarks, show feelings without restriction (NIMH †¢ Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, n.d.). Numerous casualties of this incapacity are normally disregarded because of grown-ups thinking it is essentially disciplinary issues, however ADHD is developing a direct result of qualities, ecological components, mind wounds, sweet nourishments and added substances in nourishments. ADHD is treated with meds and different sorts of psychotherapy or mix of the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Time, Gentlemen, Please!
Time, Gentlemen, Please! Time, Gentlemen, Please! Time, Gentlemen, Please! By Maeve Maddox Our lives are characterized by time. I challenge you to monitor the occasions you state the word â€Å"time†throughout a solitary day: What time right? What amount of time do I have? It’s about time! We invest energy, sit around idly, lose time, and spare time. When we’re all set home from work, we state it’s time to consider it daily. When we’re all set to bed, we state it’s time to consider it a night. When we’re having some good times, time passes quickly. When we’re tragic or exhausted, time hauls by. The accompanying instances of â€Å"time†articulations are for our ESL perusers. He thinks his heart is broken, however time mends all injuries. (He’ll get over it when enough time has passed.) She is by all accounts a decent decision; the reality of the situation will become obvious eventually in the event that she can accomplish the work. (At the point when she has been in the activity sufficiently long, her capacity or absence of it will be evident.) He graduated a year prior; it’s past time he searched for an occupation. (He ought to have searched for work before now.) The fire fighters got to the house in the nick of time to spare the occupants. (A couple of moments later and they occupants would have passed on.) A year prior, the specialist allowed him three months to live; he’s living on re-appropriated time. (He’s living longer than was normal.) He couldn't go for a long time; presently he’s compensating for some recent setbacks by visiting each mainland. (He’s going to limits with an end goal to encounter what he couldn't at a prior time.) Getting the transplant organ from California to the emergency clinic in Kenya will be a test of skill and endurance. (The organ will be pointless in the event that it doesn't arrive at its goal inside a constrained period.) Charlie is never in a rush. He will pick up the phone in his own sweet time. (He will answer when he is prepared.) Shakespeare’s works have stood the trial of time. (to stand the trial of time is to demonstrate important or well known or helpful for quite a while.) He won’t offer you a distinct response on the grounds that he’s playing for time. (He is purposely rehearsing delay.) Presently that you’re resigned, I guess you have time on your hands. (You don’t have whatever you should do.) On the off chance that you’re not a VIP, she won’t care much about you. (She won’t give any consideration to you.) Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin accepting our composing tips and activities every day! Continue learning! Peruse the Expressions classification, check our mainstream posts, or pick a related post below:Math or Maths?The Six Spellings of Long EAppropriate versus Opportune versus Well-suited
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Know Money, Win Money! Medical Costs
Know Money, Win Money! Medical Costs Know Money, Win Money! Medical Costs Know Money, Win Money! Medical CostsYour gracious host had a broken foot when we recorded our latest episode of Know Money, Win Money!, but that didn’t stop us from taking to the streets to give people money in exchange for answering questions correctly!Given the state of his leg and the fact that the deadline to sign up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act is this Friday (December 14th), we decided to do an episode about medical costs.As you might be able to guess, this topic was kind of a bummer! Check it out anyway!????Our first question asked contestants which country spends the most, per person, on healthcare. Give up? Its the United States of America. Unfortunately, that spending under our odd hodge-podge system doesn’t really translate to better health results over other developed countries.Our next question asked folks about the consequences of the first question: Did you know that 41 percent of working-age Americans struggle with medical bills? If you did, and you were around when we were filming this episode, then you might have gotten another $10 to go towards your billsâ€"medical or otherwise.It seems like healthcare in America may have some cost issues. And while there’s a long way to go, there have also been attempts to address these high medical costs and lower the uninsured population.One of those attempts was the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, which established marketplaces and subsidies to make shopping for health insurance easier and to provide lower premiums or taxes to those who could not otherwise afford it.If you don’t have health insurance for 2019, you should really check out HealthCare.gov and sign up for a plan! While the penalty you would have faced from not having health insurance under the ACA has been repealed, it’s still important for you to have a health insurance plan you can afford.Even if you’re healthy now, you never know what can happen, and you’re much better off being prepared for the worst than being surprised with an incident that leaves you with massive amounts of medical debt. So check out HealthCare.gov and see if you can find a plan that works for you today!Once youre finished signing up for health insurance, you can also check out some of our other recent episodes of Know Money, Win Money!:Episode 23: Farmers MarketEpisode 22: Chicago Chocolate and Wine Expo (Part II)Episode 21: Scavenger Hunt at C2E2Where would you like to see us go in future episodes? We want to hear from you! You can email us or you can find us on Facebook and Twitter.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Principle of Distributive Justice - 1331 Words
Principle of Distributive Justice Considered as one type of justice, distributive justice is a central concept in the Catholic tradition and is closely linked to the concepts of human dignity, the common good, and human rights. Considered as an ethical principle, distributive justice refers to what society or a larger group owes its individual members in proportion to: 1) the individual’s needs, contribution and responsibility; 2) the resources available to the society or organization (market considerations would be included under this, as well as other financial considerations); and 3) the society’s or organization’s responsibility to the common good. In the context of health care, distributive justice requires that everyone receive†¦show more content†¦1979 Cuba supports the Soviet Unions invasion of Afghanistan. Later, Cuba controversially sends military assistance to influence civil wars in Angola and Ethiopia. 1988 Anglo-Cuban relations almost reach breaking point after a Cuban diplomat fires a gun in a crowded London street. Havana claimed that its attache was being followed by CIA agents plotting to force him to defect. The Thatcher government condemned the behaviour of the Cuban diplomat and added that a man was wounded - he was a member of the British security services and not the CIA. 1992 The US tightens its longstanding embargo on Cuba, extending restrictions on travel and trade with the Cuban Democracy Act. Fearing a collapse, Castro slowly begins to deregulate Cubas economy, moving to allow limited individual private enterprise. 1999 A boat rescue of a Cuban child, Elià ¡n Gonzà ¡lez, sparks a diplomatic row with the US. The six-year-old boy was picked up off the Florida coast after he and his mother attempted to flee Cuba. After a protracted court battle, he was sent back to Cuba to live with his father, despite a high-profile campaign by wealthy US-based Cubans for him to remain. 2006 Fidel Castros health begins to deteriorate after abdominal surgery. He temporarily steps down and hands control of the government to his brother, Raà ºl. 2008 On 19 February, five days before his mandate is due to expire, Fidel finally announces his retirement and Raà ºl takes over as president. Read more:Show MoreRelatedThe Principles Of Distributive Justice2244 Words  | 9 PagesThe principles of distributive justice are deeply rooted in western philosophy. The concept includes the available goods, the process by which goods are distributed, and the resulting allocation of the goods to the members of the society. Since in every society there is limited goods the decision. Distributive justice is thought to be perceived as fairness in how both rewards and costs are distributed among members of the society. The fair allocation of goods should take into account the quantityRead MoreThe Principle Of Distributive Justice965 Words  | 4 Pagesexample, immunization programs, research opportunities, harmful practices, financial assistance, etc. (Munson, 2014). Principle of Utility The principle of utility is essentially the balance between the principles of beneficence and non-maleficence. It is defined as acting a manner that produces the greatest benefit and the least harm to an individual (Munson, 2014). This principle is significant in healthcare because it can be applied by healthcare professionals to help weigh the benefits of testRead MoreRawls s Theory Of Principles Of Distributive Justice925 Words  | 4 Pagesa set of principles of distributive justice. 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Ethical conduct in society, thereforeRead MoreCorrective and Distributive Justice802 Words  | 3 PagesINTRODUCTION Corrective and distributive justice both provide a basis for which tort law operates, although corrective justice is more widely applied and acknowledged, as it generally controls the way damages operate in cases. However, as shown by some cases in tort law, it is not always applied and therefore is not the only principle that has shaped tort law into what it is today. II DISTRIBUTIVE AND COMMUTATIVE JUSTICE: HISTORY AND THEORY A Corrective Justice Corrective justice exists in the transactionsRead MoreThe Distributive Justice Theory Of John Rawls1391 Words  | 6 Pagesof to achieve distributive justice, or a fair allocation of resources for all members of society. In Rawls’ justice as fairness and Sen’s capability theory, the economists come closest to achieving plans of distributive justice that retain the output-promoting effects of compensating differentials and recognizing the costs of Okun’s leaky bucket, but a plan that retains Rawls’ social contract and Sen’s capability focus would come closest to achieving justice. The distributive justice theory of JohnRead MoreThe Relationship Between Justice and the Good1551 Words  | 7 PagesThe relationship between justice and the good is and has been debated for thousands of years between many intelligent philosophers. Many theorists have attempted to to explain the exact characteristics and outline a moral distribution of possessions. From just after the First World War to present day, liberal perspectives emerged and flourished across a variety of ideological theories and continue to influence political thinking in regards to rights, equality and freedom. With this emergence cameRead MoreDistributive Justice and Organ Transplants Essay1181 Words  | 5 PagesThe Principle of Distributive Justice The principle of distributive justice as it relates to healthcare requires that all resources are allocated equitably among all individuals. Resources, whether abundant or scare are distributed fairly to any individual requiring them but in the constrained resource environment of available organs criteria have already been established by other agencies. First and foremost the establishment of these criteria negate the principle of distributive justice becauseRead MoreA Comparative Analysis of the Philosophical Works of Robert Nozick and John Rawls1598 Words  | 6 PagesLiberty and equality have been principles of the Western world in one form or another almost as long as its existence. Today, particularly, these values are held in high regard by those living in this part of the world. It is, therefore, little wonder that these principles have often formed the central line of reasoning in philosophical works. Two examples of these are works by Robert Nozick and John Rawls, both of whom value liberty as the first principle of justice. In their specific arguments for
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Definition and Examples of Meronyms and Holonyms
In semantics, a meronym is a word that denotes a constituent part or a member of something. For example, apple is a meronym of apple tree (sometimes written as appleapple tree). This part-to-whole relationship is called meronymy. Adjective: meronymous. Meronymy is not just a single relation but a bundle of different part-to-whole relationships. The opposite of a meronym is a holonymâ€â€the name of the whole of which the meronym is a part. Appletree is a holonym of apple (apple treeapple). The whole-to-part relationship is called holonymy. Adjective: holonymous. EtymologyFrom the Greek, part name Examples and Observations [I]n one context finger is an appropriate meronym of hand, and in other cases flesh is an appropriate meronym of hand. Finger and flesh, however, are not co-meronyms of hand, since different relational criteria (functional part versus material) are applied in each case.(M. Lynne Murphy, Semantic Relations and the Lexicon: Antonymy, Synonymy and Other Paradigms. Cambridge University Press, 2003)​ Types of Meronym Relationships At one level meronyms can be divided into two types: necessary and optional (Lyons 1977), otherwise called canonical and facilitative (Cruse, 1986). An example of a necessary meronymy is eyeface. Having an eye is a necessary condition of a well-formed face, and even if it is removed, an eye is still a face part. Optional meronymy includes examples like cushionchairâ€â€there are chairs without cushions and cushions that exist independently of chairs. (Concise Encyclopedia of Semantics, ed. by Keith Allan. Elsevier, 2009)Meronymy is a term used to describe a part-whole relationship between lexical items. Thus cover and page are meronyms of book. . . .Meronyms vary . . . in how necessary the part is to the whole. Some are necessary for normal examples, for example, nose as a meronym of face; others are usual but not obligatory, like collar as a meronym of shirt; still, others are optional like cellar for house.(John I. Saeed, Semantics, 2nd ed. Wiley-Blackwell, 2003)In many ways, meronymy is significantly more complicated than hyponymy. The Wordnet databases specify three types of meronym relationships:(Jon Orwant, Games, Diversions, and Perl Culture. OReilly Associates, 2003) Part meronym: a tire is part of a carMember meronym: a car is a member of a traffic jamSubstance (stuff) meronym: a wheel is made from rubber​ Synecdoche and Meronym/Holonymy The two commonly acknowledged variants of synecdoche, part for the whole (and vice versa) and genus for species (and vice versa), find their correspondence in the linguistic concepts of meronymy/holonymy and hyponymy/hypernymy. A meronym denotes a word or other element that together with other elements constitutes a whole. Thus, bark, leaf, and branch are meronyms of the holonym tree. A hyponym, on the other hand, denotes a word that belongs to a subset whose elements are collectively summarized by a hypernym. Thus, tree, flower, bush are hyponyms of the hypernym plant. A first observation to be made here is that these two concepts describe relationships on different levels: meronymy/holonymy describes a relationship between elements of material objects. It is the referential object leaf which in extralingual reality forms a part of the whole tree. Hyponymy/hypernymy, by contrast, refers to a relationship between concepts. Flowers and trees are jointly classif ied as plants. but in extralingual reality, there is no plant that consists of flowers and trees. In other words, the first relationship is extralingual, the second relationship is conceptual. (Sebastian Matzner, Rethinking Metonymy: Literary Theory and Poetic Practice From Pindar to Jakobson. Oxford University Press, 2016)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Kompyuter Adiksyon Free Essays
E. Competition In the Tagaytay City we have several competitors in the terms of Shawarma product and there are also a lot of food charts that place in the different area of Tagaytay City because it is the tourist spot in the Philippines. The main targets of this food chart are the lower middle to upper middle class and some are tourist international and local. We will write a custom essay sample on Kompyuter Adiksyon or any similar topic only for you Order Now Our indirect competitors are Mr. Mappy pizza, Potato Chips, Siomai, Angel’s Burger and etc. Our direct competitors in the area Turks (Olivarez) and Alibaba Shawarma (magallenes branch and robinson tagaytay). Market Shares: Turk’s Shawarma (Olivarez Plaza) is the number one in market shares because of its place and the volume of people go in Olivarez Plaza while Alibaba Shawarma (Robinson Tagaytay Branch) is the number two on the spot because of its place but theres a lot of competitors in the place like restaurant and fast food chains and Alibaba Shawarma (magallenes square Branch) it is the last spots because in the that place only workers of different establishment are the customer because that place have different restaurant and food chains to choose from like Leslies, Max restaurant, Yellow Cab and many more. Resources: Since, this establishment is food stall type and there is a Franchisee and Franchisor. The resources of the business are comes from the Franchisor all the thing that will be needed in the business comes from franchisor. Product and Market Focus The product is shawarma product it is meat preparation, where lamb, chicken, turkey, beef, veal, or mixed meats are placed on a spit (commonly a vertical spit in restaurants), and may be grilled for as long as a day. Shavings are cut off the block of meat for serving, and the remainder of the block of meat is kept heated on the rotating spit. There market focuses to sell the product on their target market they only focus on selling the product they not create new idea about the product. Goals They goal is to sell a delicious shawarma to their customer and serve the best shawarma on the place. Strategies This food stall only focuses in selling the product to their customer they not focus on how their establishment continues to operate. Their also dependent on their franchisor all planning and strategies comes from their franchisor. Strengths and Weaknesses All establishments has a nice place but the product they offer is only limited in terms of sizes and different variety of flavor. Key Barriers to Entry There no vacant place to rent There are so many stalls in the place There are no yet crews for the business There is no yet a stall for the business Our product is unique from the other shawarma product because our product is a kind of street food that is of the same concept as Shawarma which is thinly sliced meat mixed with chopped vegetables and is rolled into a large piece of steamed bread. The difference from our product and the traditional shawarma is that we modified the fillings. We will not fill the bread with the usual meat and vegetables. Instead, we will add new flavors to the traditional shawarma. Examples are Spaghetti, Pizza and California maki flavored shawarma. We will address our product as shawarma because the idea of filipino consumers of shawarma is filled flatbread which is applied in our new product. This new product will be named â€Å"Shawarmalaya†. Shawarmalaya came from the words â€Å"Shawarma†and â€Å"Malaya. Shawarma because the concept of this food is derived from the traditional shawarma and Malaya because customers can freely choose from the new flavors of shawarma. The idea of this product is mostly derived from the traditional shawarma so the preparation of this product will be quite the same. The facilities to be used will also be the same except for the vertical grill used in cooking the traditional shawarma meat. We will also be needing an oven and steamers for the baking and steaming of the bread. Usual kitchen utensils will also be used for cooking and preparing the fillings. The processes and technology to be used in the preparation of this product will not be as high-tech as used in making the traditional shawarma. Since we are short on facility and capital, we have decided to use alternatives to make the product. The use of old processes of making food will also mean less cost and expenses which will be good for the group/company. The usual shawarma meat is cooked in a vertical grill, in our case; we will just grill meat in an old fashioned way which will make the meat tastier and cost less. On the other hand, the preparation of the bread will be the same as the traditional shawarma which is baked and steamed then rolled with the fillings. This idea is innovative in a way. We managed to add a twist and modify an already existing product. We didn’t change the form of the product but its approach. We are trying to make a new perception of shawarma on the minds of the consumers. We also want the consumers to enjoy the food they like in a new more flavorful way. Our product is difficult to copy because we have secret ingredient to put up to the product and we have the best suppliers that will supply best ingredients that will be needed. Our competitors will be surprise because we have different approach to our customer because they have the free will to choose what the flavor will be put to their shawarmalaya. Our competitors will be surprise because we have different variety to choose from we have different flavors that is new to the eyes and taste of the consumer. When we launch our product we will do first 100 customers is free to taste our product and first one week of our product is by one take one. In takes a lot of time to copy our product because it is unique and it has different ingredients to find. How to cite Kompyuter Adiksyon, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Annabel Lee as a Representative of Poe’s Poems free essay sample
Annabel Lee as a representative of Poe’s poems about death of beautiful maidens Its always a little hard to separate the life of the legendary Poe from his works. In this case, there are some striking similarities. „Annabel Leeâ€Å" is the last complete poem written by Poe, published shortly after his death in 1849. Like many of Poes poems including The Raven, Ulalume, and To One in Paradiseâ€Å", it explores the theme of the death of a beautiful woman, â€Å"the most poetical topic in the world, according to Poe. In particular, although the poems stanzas have a somewhat irregular length and structure, the rhyme scheme continually emphasizes the three words me, Lee, and sea, enforcing the linked nature of these concepts within the poem while giving the poem a song-like sound. The work shows Poes frequent fixation with the Romantic image of a beautiful woman who has died too young unexpectedly. As indicated more thoroughly in his short story The Oval Portrait, Poe often associated death with the freezing and capturing of beauty, and many of his heroines reach the pinnacle of loveliness on their deathbed. The narrator, who fell in love with Annabel Lee when they were young, retains his love for her even after her death. Most people agree that Edgar Allan Poe wrote Annabel Lee about his departed wife, Virginia, who died of tuberculosis two years earlier. Some critics, however, contend that in the seventh line of the poem he states, I was a child and she was a child, and he certainly was no child in 1836 at twenty-seven when he married his thirteen-year-old bride. Maybe the poem is about an earlier love, or perhaps it is purely fictional, but addressing Annabel Lee as his life and his bride in line thirty-eight and writing it two years after his beloved young wifes death, it seems only logical that it is indeed written about her and is simply embroidered with a bit of poetic license. Local legend in Charleston, South Carolina tells the story of a sailor who met a woman named Annabel Lee. Her father disapproved of the pairing and the two met privately in a graveyard before the sailors ti me stationed in Charleston was up. While away, he heard of Annabels death from yellow fever, but her father would not allow him at the funeral. Because he did not know her exact burial location, he instead kept vigil in the cemetery where they had often secretly met. There is no evidence that Edgar Allan Poe had heard of this legend, but some insist it was his inspiration. The poem focuses on an ideal love which is unusually strong. In fact, the narrators actions show that he not only loves Annabel Lee, but he worships her, something he can only do after her death. The poem specifically mentions the youth of the unnamed narrator and especially of Annabel Lee, and it celebrates child-like emotions in a way consistent with the ideals of the Romantic era. Many Romantics from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries viewed adulthood as a corruption of the purer instincts of childhood, and they preferred nature to society because they considered it to be a better and more instinctive state. Accordingly, Poe treats the narrators childhood love for Annabel Lee as fuller and more eternal than the love of adults. Annabel Lee is gentle and persistent in her love, and she has no complex emotions. He explains that angels murdered her. His repetition of this assertion suggests he is trying to rationalize his own excessive feelings of loss. In Annabel Lee the speaker argues in lines eleven and twelve that the angels were jealous of the happy couple: the winged seraphs of heaven coveted her and me. The envious angels, he insists, caused the wind to chill his bride and seize her life. However, he contends, their love, stronger than the love of the older or wiser couples, can never be conquered: And neither the angles in heaven above, Nor the demons down under the sea, Can ever dissever my soul from the soul Of the beautiful Annabel Lee. (lines 33-36) Unlike The Raven, in which the narrator believes he will nevermore be reunited with his love, Annabel Lee says the two will be together again, as not even demons can ever dissever their souls. The first time that death gets mentioned in the poem: A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling My beautiful Annabel Lee; (lines 15-16) The speaker doesnt say she died. Actually, he never uses the word death in this poem at all. The speaker maintains that this world of dream remains even after the death of his bride: For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes Of the beautiful Annabel Lee (33-6). The poems setting has several Gothic elements, as the kingdom by the sea is lonely and in an undefined but mysterious location. Poe does not describe the setting with any specificity, and he weaves a misty, romantic atmosphere around the kingdom until he ends by offering the severe and horrific image of a sepulchre there by the sea. At the same time, the nostalgic tone and the Gothic background serve to repeat the image of a love that outlasts all pposition, from the spiritual jealousy of the angels to the physical barrier of death. Although Annabel Lee has died, the narrator can still see her bright eyes, an image of her soul and of the spark of life that gives a promise of a future meeting between the two lovers. The image invoked by this poem is of enduring love. Both this everlasting love and the conclusion of the poem leave the speaker lying on the grave of his departed wife: And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side Of my darling-my darling-my life and my bride, In the sepulchre there by the sea, In her tomb by the sounding sea (37-41). As in the case of a number of Poes male protagonists who mourn the premature death of beloved women, the love of narrator of Annabel Lee goes beyond simple adoration to a more bizarre attachment. Whereas Annabel Lee seems to have loved him in a simple, if nonsexual, manner, the protagonist has mentally sacred her. He blames everyone but himself for her death, pointing at the conspiracy of angels with nature and at the show of paternalism inherent in her highborn kinsmen who came and bore her away, and he remains dependent upon her memory. While the narrator of the poem Ulalume suffers from an unconscious need to grieve and to return to Ulalumes grave, the narrator of Annabel Lee chooses ironically to lie down and sleep next to a woman who is herself lying down by the sea. Refferences: A History of American Literature: Then and Now, Radojka Vukcevic, Podgorica, 2005 The Cambridge Companion to Edgar Allan Poe, edited by Kevin J. Hayes. Cambridge University Press, 2002
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