Thursday, December 26, 2019
Police Brutality Use of Excessive Force Essay - 1243 Words
What is police brutality? Police brutality is an act of misconduct done by a member law enforcement through the use of an extreme amount of force to physically, mentally, or emotionally attack a member of society. Many law enforcement officers, those sworn to protect and serve, have abused their rights and authority to ferociously assault and manipulate citizens, even if they were innocent. Citizens who have been attacked have been left with physical and emotional scars that can never go away; in some cases, it has even caused death. In a report by David Packman, prepared for the Cato Institute in 2011, states that 247 deaths were linked to police misconduct cases.(Packman 2011) Many people believe that having evidence in a criminal†¦show more content†¦Jason Andersen’s partner, Minnesota State Trooper Craig Benz, did not believe it was a gun, but rather drug-related and actually contemplated going back to get the squad car, but after taking a couple second to decide, he continued the foot chase (Twincities). Jason Andersen was awarded the Medal of Valor for the incident by the department sergeant who said he â€Å"demonstrated obvious self-sacrifice in the face of death or great bodily harm to protect his own life, the life of his partner and the citizens of Minneapolis†(Twincities). The Medal of Valor may have been justified, but shooting Fong Lee and killing him was not. Less lethal force could have been used to subdue him, not 8-9 shots for a kill. Some people get a little bit luckier than Fong Lee. 30 year old Christopher Sean Harris was walking through an alleyway in the Belltown neighborhood of Seattle, Washington after his shift at Arnie’s Restaurant, having drinks at a nearby bar, and paying $60 to someone to drive him to Belltown on May 10, 2009 (Mother’s Day) when a woman mistakenly pointed him out to Deputy Matthew Paul as a man suspected involved in a bar fight that continued at a convenience store nearby (Seat tle Times). Matthew Paul and another deputy, whose name was not disclosed, were dressed in black fatigues and gave chase; it is unsure whether or not they identified themselves immediately as law enforcement or not during theShow MoreRelatedPolice Brutality : Use Of Excessive And Unnecessary Force By Police1536 Words  | 7 Pages Police brutality is the use of excessive and unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians. Police brutality can be present in many ways. 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Citizens are lacking the trust with in the police force because of the excessive or deadly force being used on fellow citizens. However, police brutality is defined as ‘the use of excessive physical force or verbal assaultRead MorePolice Brutality And Its Effects1173 Words  | 5 Pages Police Brutality There are two type of police brutality, verbal and physical. The first type of police brutality is verbal abuse which can happen anytime when the police officer is doing a routine traffic stop. Sexual comments is a form of verbal abuse. Another type of police brutality is physical. Police brutality is when law enforcement uses excessive force when dealing with a civilian. Excessive force means well beyond what would be necessary to handle to situation, you don t want to get
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Relevant Theories Of Leadership Styles And Will...
In this essay, I would like to discuss the relevant theories about leadership styles and will explore the key theories and models critically. Also, I will examine the Chinese, Indian and Turkish cultures represented in my group. In order to describe these cultures, appropriate cross-cultural models will be followed. Next, I will identify the key differences in terms of management style between these cultures and how these differences might have affected the leadership in the team. Finally, I will talk about the experience of being managed in the team. There are significant amount of literature being published across different disciplines to understand the leadership concept. According to Burns and Kelly (2012), there is no comprehensive and accepted theory after decades of research because of complexity of the subject. Therefore, there are many different definitions of leadership. Locke (1991) explains leadership as a process of convincing others to act towards a common goal. The evolution of leadership theories might have started in the nineteenth century with the term â€Å"great man†. As Kirkpatrick (1996) explained the leaders had traits like nobody else. Carlyle (1907) claimed that leaders have special traits of character and the exceptional personality eventually distinguish these people from the rest. However, according to Ronald (2014), one was advised to copy these special traits to become a leader which was unlikely to succeed by imitation. At the same time, the GreatShow MoreRelatedSituational Leadership Theory And Organizational Leadership1422 Words  | 6 PagesSituational Leadership Theory and Organizational Leadership Dwight D. Eisenhower said, â€Å"Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.†Leadership is the art of directing others in the pursuit of reaching a common goal or desired outcome. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Mastering English Language People of Sarawak
Question: Discuss about the Mastering English Language for People of Sarawak. Answer: Introduction Malaysian media has for many times throughout the last few years made public the poor condition of English as a language among the Sarawak students and especially University Students. The lack of proper knowledge of English has not only contributed to the poor employment rates but also created a situation where students are not able to use the language properly. Sarawak is one of the two islands of Borneo, Malaysia. The Sarawak state has a diverse ethnicity and also language. There are people from different cultures, ethnicities that live and work in Sarawak. After being under the influence of Japan and later allowed to self-govern itself, it was a powerful state in Malaysia. The Bruneian Malays and both the British and the Chinese have immense influence on the culture of Sarawak. (Company, 2003) The state has a high urban population which allows more growth and better education but there are not less than forty sub divisional ethnic groupings who exhibit their own culture and lifestyle as well. The main reason the English language has seen a steady decrease which has been highlighted many times in the recent years are a result of various reasons which include a lack of technical abilities, the bad attitude of teachers who are designated to teach the language, Inadequate knowledge of the language . Also some students have said that they face difficulty while shifting between the mediums and that the evaluation system is outdated.(Geertz, 2003). The issue is almost always associated with the process used by teachers to teach their students. The students are however another reason why students are not really interested in learning the language as well. The students own perception of how well they can learn the subject is another reason for the success or failure of the students to learn the language.(Kamaruddin, 2015). The different cultures and the different languages make English learning a tough matter for students of Sarawak. The main problem faced by the Student of Sarawak is the problem that they are not taught English from their lower classes which make them nervous while learning it in high school or at the university. Students fail to understand the teachings and are unable to understand the directions as well. The difference with the students who know English well enough and a Sarawak student is that they both might have the great knowledge but the Sarawak Student will find it harder to understand the directions as well as talk and reply back in English. While everyday work like taking a bus or the cab does not necessitate the need for learning English for a Sarawak student but being in a course that requires you to understand and evaluate matters in English will bring about a problem for the Sarawak student. Henceforth, owing to its debilitating outcome, the researchers felt a study examining aspects of learners affective Aspect such as anxiety on English language outcome would be of paramount benefit (Daud, 2005). Methods A fact that has been widely reported by the media is that the students of Malaysia are poor in English and that even the Malaysian Certificate of Education (SPM) has also explained that less students are getting certificates for English and the soft skills are indicating poor acquisition of English as a communicative language as well as employers reactions nationwide. Even the Minister of Education himself was baffled over continued poor standards of English in the country(Dumanig, 2012). Other than instructor related factors mentioned earlier, students attitude, limited exposure and opportunity to use English in their daily conversation also posed as deterrent from acquiring sufficient competency. It is also reported in more recent research that acquiring a new language is a difficult aspect of learning. The students are often seen to experience anxiety with language. The students also find that they are unable for learning or understanding the language. It used a newly self-develop ed questionnaire constructed primarily based on Youngs (1991) and Oxfords (1999) theory of potential sources of language anxiety. Since language anxiety can meddle with the securing, maintenance and creation of a language , the analysts trust better comprehension of how it sways on learning is urgent if students somehow managed to be turned out to be better English language users has been inspected by Horwitz et al. (1986) that remote or second language anxiety concerns execution assessment inside a scholarly and social setting, hence it is valuable to draw parallels amongst it and three related execution tensions, which are correspondence dread, test anxiety and trepidation of negative assessment. Albeit open worry, test anxiety and trepidation of negative assessment give valuable theoretical building squares to a portrayal of outside or second language anxiety, also different authors recommended that remote or even the second language increases anxiety among students. They conside red remote or second language anxiety as an unmistakable(Sarawak,Save , 2013) Results From the writing, various contributing components to anxiety in English language learning were distinguished. The components were classified into two primary builds, in particular individual (beginning inside or from inside an individual) and interpersonal (the connection between a person with others/his surroundings) variables. Things speaking to every builds were further separated into a few sub-develops. Notwithstanding decide the effect of distinguished variables on anxiety, the analysts were additionally intrigued to see whether there were different reasons for anxiety that were not found out some time recently. It can be said that both individual and interpersonal elements do add to language anxiety among the exploration members. It is to some degree shocking however that none of the meeting members resounded intensity as the reason for their anxiety(Sabah, 2014). A conceivable clarification is that they would not have any desire to be seen as making a decent attempt to measure up to others' standard. In any case, it was evident from their verbal reactions that absence of certainty has critical effect on their English competency. In the interim, the following two causal elements of anxiety were outer in nature(MohamadMahathir, 2010). Plainly verbal and composed associations amongst educator and students additionally make anxiety, especially when students are in perspective that the teachers anticipate that they will be capable in English. This situation turns out to be more basic if the educator is seen as having certain judgments on students. The connection between the problems of students because of language anxiety also proposes that there are numerous potential sources originating from the understudy, the teacher and the instructional methodology which have noteworthy effect to the second language learning. Subsequently, utilizing the discoveries blended from the works of Young (1991) and Oxford (1999), this present study has inferred five wellsprings of language anxiety that will be further examined, to be specific individual and interpersonal tensions, students' convictions about language learning, teacher students' connections, classroom techniques (i.e. exercises and techniques) and test anxiety while barring educator convictions on language gaining from the first rundown(Jumaat,Diterbitkan, 2015). In this manner, in developing the clarification of self-recognitions, convictions, feeling and practices further, Young (1991; as referred to in Ohata, 2005) proposes a widely inclusive rundown of the potential wellsprings of language anxiety through a survey of the writing about language anxiety. It is important to note that taking in, educator's convictions about language instructing, teacher students' cooperations, classroom methods, and language testing. Notwithstanding, Ohata (2005) included that the sources recorded by Young covers with Horwitz et al's. (1986) three execution tensions, to be specific correspondence trepidati on, apprehension of negative assessment and testing anxiety, however the classifications recorded by Young is still worth looking at in light of the fact that the sources are tending to other basic issues that may underlie or influence the arrangement of students' language anxiety(Suliman, 2014). The problems associated with the learning of English by students of Malay origin are their lack of grammar knowledge, the lack of feelings for learning. They also experience an extensive uneasy feeling for the uneasiness for the learning. The second language is required to be used for learning, which makes it important to learn it in depth without just learning for commutation purpose. There are personal factors which determine the feelings and apprehensions experienced by the students. The anxiety levels experienced by the students do depend on their social status their use of the language, their education etc. Their personal beliefs, attitude, motivation, and cognitive capacity etc are ma rked to be a basic factor determining the issues of language, just to name a few(Abdullah, 2015). In this context the examination of seeing whether a student is well equipped with the language requires the test of language from the listening, writing, reading and speaking point of views which in case makes it a problem for students to talk in English.(Wahid, 2000). Meanwhile, Rajab (2012) identified linguistic factor, cultural and the curricular content as possible contributing factors of reading anxiety(Rajab, 2012). Matt Daud (2005), on the other hand, found their student respondents suffered writing anxiety due to lack of writing skills. All in all, these researchers findings pointed to the fact. Then again, Oxford (1999) additionally proposed the reasons for language anxiety range from profoundly individual to procedural and records the accompanying reasons for language anxiety: self-regard, resilience of vagueness, danger taking, aggressiveness, social anxiety, test anxiety, ch aracter and social stun, convictions, classroom exercises and techniques, and educator students' cooperations. Taking into account the two specialists' study. The cross examination could have been done to see the similar experiences felt by the students. At the end of the day, this study may concentrate on language anxiety from the students' viewpoint(Chicago, 2013). The need is for students and teachers to take the study and teaching sessions free like conversation and make the students aware they are free to make mistakes and they wont be judged. There have been examinations and research to evaluate that many students feel extremely shy or anxious in using English in class and therefore skip using the language with the fear of making mistakes. The need is for students to open up and equip themselves with courage and use the language freely (Brown, 2001). Adopting a new language is never easy and it takes practice and consistent trials to get the aspects of the language right but w ithout trying anyone would be able to overcome the fear of making mistakes. It is the duty of the educators at college school and universities to keep extra guidance for students who are not well versed with using English. The anxiety issue among students is needed to be done so that they can participate freely and cross the language barrier. Kondo and Ling (2004) placed a typology of techniques that students use to adapt to the anxiety they involvement in English language classrooms. It can be said that taking some simple measures like taking a deep breath, making the mind calm and taking part with students who are facing similar difficulty. In any case, regularly language teachers can help students to ease or address language anxiety by making them more mindful of their own characteristics and additionally putting accentuation on other educator related measurements, for example, the teacher's identity, teacher students' cooperation, classroom environment and instructional techniqu es(Kamaruddin, 2015). Dialog A person can attain familiarity with a language through repeated association. For English the Malaysians depend on the administration and their education system to help them grasp the foreign language, but this type of approach works for a few, does not for the others. The more the Malays associate with others (Non-Malays) the more they become habituated with the use of English as a language of communication. For the ones who have not had the privilege or the means for association with other people, the newest Economic policy New Economic Policy (NEP) was created so that a group of English learnt people were created. (Cummins, 2015) Learning English can help the Students of Sarawak immensely. There are multiple benefits of learning English for the betterment of their future. A Sarawak student finds it hard to understand the directions and study materials written in English. Learning English properly will help reduce the difficulties faced by the Sarawak students to participate in studies and make out the meanings for them. For students, especially Sarawak students participating proactively in the lectures and discussions become a problem due to their hesitation to talk in English. So, they are left out of the conversations and feel deprived while participating in classes. Also while interacting with English speaking peers and seniors and even teachers the language creates difficulties. But all these problems can be rectified when the students of Sarawak can talk properly in English and learn English. The power of English knowledge will allow them to understand the conversations and participate without hesitation . Many students of Sarawak, despite knowing English are afraid to use it or talk in English since theyre hesitant that their English pronunciations might sound odd bad it can make them sound funny. They also fear that their peers will find it amusing and make fun of them. But if these students of Sarawak are given proper training and are given training on talking in English and using English for their conversations. Learning English can heighten their scope for employment and can give them the power to get employment at a leading company. Since all large scale multinational recruiters look form employees that are fluent in English for easy communication, it can be a plus point for students of Sarawak to know English. (University, 2014). Conclusion Students of Malaysia and Philippines experience large scale problems while using English. There has been various studies that confirm that the use of the mother tongue or national language is the best for the development of studies and as well as for usage in educational systems. But in terms of future usability and the socio economic value English scores much better over the national language. The global reach for English is higher and for their global reach and usability for connecting throughout the world. Both the countries have repeatedly assessed the importance of the development of English and the national language through early education to prepare students for higher studies in English. The usage of English in higher studies will provide the students with better scope for work globally. References Abdullah, N. (2015). Language Anxiety Among University Students. Journal of Education and Social Sciences, Vol. 1, , 9-15. Brown, D. H. (2001). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. New York: Longman. Chicago, U. o. (2013). The Illustrated London News, Volume 86. University of Chicago . Company, N. A. (2003). Official Export Guide. North American Publishing Company. Cummins, J. (2015). Language, Power and Pedagogy: Bilingual Children in the Crossfire. Language, Power and Pedagogy: Bilingual Children in the Crossfire. Daud, M. (2005). A nationwide comparative study between private and public university students soft skills. Asian Journal of University Education, 8-22. Dumanig, F. P. (2012). Competing Roles Of The National Language And English In Malaysia And The Philippines:Planning, Policy And USE. University of Malaya. Geertz, C. (2003). The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays. Basic Books. Jumaat,Diterbitkan. (2015). Aiming for roaring success in ACS. Retrieved August 22, 2016, from Kamaruddin, S. F. (2015). Language anxiety among university students: causal factors and coping strategies. Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 1-10. MohamadMahathir, D. ( 2010). The Malay Dilemma: With a New Preface. Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte Ltd. Rajab. (2012). A comparative study of engineering, medical and education students soft skills achievement in Malaysian public higher education institutions. Asian Journal of University Education, 8-22. Sabah, S. (2014, May 12). Evolution of the Malaysian education policy. Retrieved August 22, 2016, from Sarawak,Save . (2013, May 15). Evolution of the Malaysian education policy. Retrieved August 22, 2016, from Suliman, A. (2014). The Interference of Mother Tongue/Native Language in Ones English Language Speech Production . International Journal of English and Education, 1-11. University, C. (2014). The Pall Mall Budget: Being a Weekly Collection of Articles Printed in the Pall Mall Gazette from Day to Day, with a Summary of News,. Cornell University. Wahid, M. a. (2000). 2008. Mastering the English language, Language Journal.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Shell Shock free essay sample
It is more commonly known as â€Å"Shellshock. †PTSD is an anxiety disorder characterized by haunting memories, nightmares, social withdrawal, jumpy anxiety, and/or insomnia that lingers for four weeks or more after traumatic experience (Myers, pp. 604-605). The term â€Å"Shellshock†was coined together by the British in 1914. At first shellshock was thought to be caused by soldiers being exposed to exploding shells. But doctors couldn’t find any physical damage to explain the symptoms. Medical staff started to realize that there were deeper causes. Doctors soon found that many men suffering the symptoms of shell shock without having even been in the front lines. Many soldiers found themselves re-living his experiences of combat long after the war had ended. Shell shock victims often couldnt eat or sleep, while others continued to suffer physical symptoms. Officers suffered some of the worst symptoms because they were called upon to repress their emotions to set an example for their men; due to this, war neurosis was four times higher among officers then among the regular soldiers (Shell Shock). We will write a custom essay sample on Shell Shock or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The epidemic was completely unexpected and by 1915 there was a shortage of hospital beds for the wounded in mind. Many county lunatic asylums, private mental institutions and disused spas were taken over and designated as hospitals for mental diseases and war neurosis. By 1918 there were over 20 such hospitals in the U. K. At first there was little sympathy for Shellshock victims. Shellshock was so obviously a retreat from the war that many military authorities refused to treat victims as disabled. Some even went so far as to say that they should be shot for malingering and cowardice. Others blamed it on a hereditary taint and careless recruiting procedures. A British General at the time said, â€Å"There can be no doubt that, other things being equal, the frequency of Shellshock in any unit is an index of its lack of discipline and loyalty. †This was a view shared by many and it made the burden of guilt for Shellshock victims even worse (Shellshock ). Shell shock victims found themselves at the mercy of the armed forces medical officers. Treatment was harsh and inhumane. Solitary confinement, disciplinary treatment, electric shock treatment, shaming and physical re-education, and emotional deprivation were used against the mentally ill. Some â€Å"lucky†soldiers were treated with a variety of cures including hypnosis, massage, rest and dietary treatments. Finally, Arthur Hurst, an army major, found a miracle cure for the victims of Shellshock. The cure? Hurst took the men to the peace and quiet of the rolling Devon countryside. The men toiled on the farm, and were encouraged to use their creative energies. By being humane and sympathetic, he was able to cure 90% of shell shocked soldiers in just one session. This was a miracle, considering over 40% of the casualties in fighting zones were victims of Shellshock and by the end of the war over 80,000 cases had passed through British Army medical facilities (Shell Shock). Today’s soldiers suffer from PTSD, but a cure is easier to receive, and most of them are completely cured afterwards. Once cured, they often achieve post-traumatic growth. Post-traumatic growth is positive psychological changes as a result of struggling with extremely challenging circumstances and life crises. Most men have an increases appreciation for life, more meaningful relationships, increased personal strength, changed priorities, and a richer spiritual life. Essentially, out of even our worst experiences, some good can come. (Myers, 2008) Works Cited Myers, D. G. (2008). Psychology, Ninth Edition. New York City: Worth Publishers. Shell Shock. (n. d. ). Retrieved March 14, 2013, from BBC: http://www. bbc. co. uk/insideout/southwest/series1/shell-shock. shtml Shellshock . (n. d. ). Retrieved March 14, 2013, from Sparticus Educational : http://www. spartacus. schoolnet. co. uk/FWWmental. htm |
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Visiting a Court essays
Visiting a Court essays Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a court case in Fulton County. The case I attended was in juvenile court. The reason I attended a juvenile case is that I witnessed a juvenile commit a crime. The crime itself was quite small, but what happened during the case shows us why to tell the truth when appearing in court. The court I attended was juvenile court in Fulton County. The presiding Judge was Charles Hodges. The juvenile had legal representation. The attorneys name was Julia Desmond. I am not sure who actually represented the state in this matter. There were several different people who spoke on behalf of the state or county. The charges were read, the witnesses testified and then the juvenile was given a chance to refute the allegations. The juvenile was not cross-examined heavily. Only a few questions were asked of her until she denied all involvement in the matter. At the beginning of the case, which took only about an hour, the case was announced and the charges were read. Someone from the State or County explained the incident and the first witness was called. The judge seemed to be reading a lot and he took a lot of notes. He didnt make much eye contact with anyone. He seemed to be in his own little judicial world for a while. The juveniles attorney tried to ask the witnesses questions for clarification purposes. She only seemed to be upsetting the judge due to his body language and sighing. For each witness, the attorney tried to make each witness state that he or she did not have a direct line of sight to the incident. The only real charge that stemmed from the incident was failure to signal. The juvenile was charged with failure to yield when she, on a bicycle, failed to signal for a turn and the swerved into oncoming traffic and was subsequently hit, by a car. The juvenile was committed to saying that she signaled, even thoug h six witnesses reported otherwise. ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Wernher Von Braun and The History of the V-2 Rocket
Wernher Von Braun and The History of the V-2 Rocket Rockets and missiles can serve as weapons systems that deliver explosive warheads to targets by means of rocket propulsion. Rocket is a general term that describes any jet-propelled missile which is thrust forward from the rearward ejection of matter like hot gases. Rocketry was originally developed in China when firework displays and gunpowder were invented. Hyder Ali, prince of Mysore, India, developed the first war rockets in the 18th century, using metal cylinders to hold the combustion powder needed for propulsion. The First A-4 Rocket Then, eventually, came the A-4 rocket. Later called the V-2, the A-4 was a single-stage rocket developed by the Germans and fueled by alcohol and liquid oxygen. It stood 46.1 feet high and had a thrust of 56,000 pounds. The A-4 had a payload capacity of 2,200 pounds and could reach a velocity of 3,500 miles per hour. The first A-4 was launched from Peenemunde, Germany on October 3, 1942. It reached an altitude of 60 miles, breaking the sound barrier. It was the worlds first launch of a ballistic missile and the first rocket ever to go into the fringes of space. The Rockets Beginnings Rocket clubs were springing up all over Germany in the early 1930s. A young engineer named Wernher von Braun joined one of them, the Verein fur Raumschiffarht or Rocket Society. The German military was searching for a weapon at the time that would not violate the Versailles Treaty of World War I but would defend its country. Artillery captain Walter Dornberger was assigned to investigate the feasibility of using rockets. Dornberger visited the Rocket Society. Impressed with the club’s enthusiasm, he offered its members the equivalent of $400 to build a rocket. Von Braun worked on the project through the spring and summer of 1932 only to have the rocket fail when it was tested by the military. But Dornberger was impressed with von Braun and hired him to lead the militarys rocket artillery unit. Von Brauns natural talents as a leader shined, as well as his ability to assimilate great quantities of data while keeping the big picture in mind. By 1934, von Braun and Dornberger had a team of 80 engineers in place, building rockets in Kummersdorf, about 60 miles south of Berlin. A New Facility With the successful launch of two rockets, Max and Moritz, in 1934, von Brauns proposal to work on a jet-assisted take-off device for heavy bombers and all-rocket fighters was granted. But Kummersdorf was too small for the task. A new facility had to be built. Peenemunde, located on the Baltic coast, was chosen as the new site. Peenemunde was large enough to launch and monitor rockets over ranges up to about 200 miles with optical and electric observing instruments along the trajectory. Its location posed no risk of harming people or property. The A-4 Becomes the A-2 By now, Hitler had taken over Germany and Herman Goering ruled the Luftwaffe. Dornberger held a public test of the A-2 and it was successful. Funding continued to flow in to von Brauns team, and they went on to develop the A-3 and, finally, the A-4. Hitler decided to use the A-4 as a vengeance weapon in 1943, and the group found themselves developing the A-4 to rain explosives on London. Fourteen months after Hitler ordered it into production, on September 7, 1944, the first combat A-4 now called the V-2 was launched toward Western Europe. When the first V-2 hit London, von Braun remarked to his colleagues, The rocket worked perfectly except for landing on the wrong planet. The Teams Fate The SS and the Gestapo ultimately arrested von Braun for crimes against the state because he persisted in talking about building rockets that would orbit the earth and perhaps even go to the moon. His crime was indulging in frivolous dreams when he should have been concentrating on building bigger rocket bombs for the Nazi war machine. Dornberger convinced the SS and the Gestapo to release von Braun because there would be no V-2 without him and Hitler would have them all shot. When he arrived back at Peenemunde, von Braun immediately assembled his planning staff. He asked them to decide how and to whom they should surrender. Most of the scientists were frightened of the Russians. They felt the French would treat them like slaves, and the British did not have enough money to fund a rocket program. That left the Americans. Von Braun stole a train with forged papers and ultimately led 500 people through war-torn Germany to surrender to the Americans. The SS was issued orders to kill the German engineers, who hid their notes in a mine shaft and evaded their own army while searching for the Americans. Finally, the team found an American private and surrendered to him. The Americans immediately went to Peenemunde and Nordhausen and captured all the remaining V-2s and V-2 parts. They destroyed both places with explosives. The Americans brought over 300 train cars loaded with spare V-2 parts to the U.S. Many of von Brauns production team were captured by the Russians.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Bribery and Serving Public Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Bribery and Serving Public - Essay Example We hear these types of incidences almost daily in our lives. All of these acts are crimes and deemed as bribery cases. Bribery is basically a crime which is done by giving any benefit to the other party for changing the outcomes of the result. The term benefit is a very broad term and it could be anything from money to a simple favor. According to the Black's law dictionary, bribery is the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any item of value to influence the actions as an official or other person in discharge of a public or legal duty. Bribery is basically a reward or rewards, which is given to an individual or group to change the decision in favor of the person who is giving the bribe. Generally, the following rewards are given for not being loyal and just: The issue of bribery is not only associated with the public sector organizations but also with private sector organizations - even in the NGOs that come in the market with a commitment to serve the people without any monetary benefits. Bribery is illegal in many countries including the United Kingdom and United States. It is considered an unethical act and a form of political corruption that hinders the success and prosperity of a nation. Another shameful form of bribery exists in the field of medicine - a field that serves to save human lives without any discrimination and unjust behavior. In this form of bribery, pharmaceutical corporations reward doctors for heavy subscription of their drugs to their patients, and in reward the doctors get lucrative gifts in various forms. The US government has already taken several steps to cope with this form of bribery. The American Medical Association (AMA) has already published a set of ethical guidelines for the industry that describes the list of acceptable gifts that can be given to the doctors as rewards. In addition, dentists are also the part of this bribery issue; they receive samples of home dental care products such as tooth cleaning gels. Transparency International Reports (Health) The transparency international reports the types of corruption in health. According to the organization, regulators, payers, health care providers, suppliers and consumers face a complex mix of incentives that can lead to corruption. Forms of corruption in the health sector include: Embezzlement and theft from the health budget or user-fee revenue. This can occur at central or local government level or at the point of allocation to a particular health authority or health centre. Medicines and medical supplies or equipment may be stolen for personal use, use in private practice or resale. Corruption in procurement. Engaging in collusion, bribes and kickbacks in procurement results in overpayment for goods and contracted services, or in failure to enforce contractual standards for quality. In addition, hospital spending may include large investments in building construction and purchase of expensive technologies, areas of procurement that are particularly vulnerable to corruption. Corruption in payment systems. Corrupt practices include waiving fees or falsifying insurance documents for
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Text analysis assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Text analysis assignment - Essay Example Lecter (Anthony Hopkins), who was a psychiatrist in the past, and a young girl Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster). It does not differ with originality - it has classic position - maniac and investigator along with a textbook ending - the final battle between them. She was hoping to get help from contained in the special conditions offender a clue to the psychology of the perpetrator (Ted Levine), who was not caught yet. Thus she tried to gain the trust of Lecter. She even doesnt suspect that the cunning and dangerous prisoner matured his own plan. A kind of game between them in order to fulfill their own goals is underway throughout the film, reaching its culmination in their final telephone conversation. The atmosphere of the movie itself as well as of the final scene is very awesome. It constantly keeps in suspense, though it seems that there is nothing particularly terrible. But it all fits in the overall storyline; its not some kind of cheap horror story, but a psychological thriller. I cannot name this movie as a scary one, but still it has some rather unpleasant moments. In ordinary thrillers you can predict when and where somebody will be killed. But in this movie you just do not know what to expect. The plot is also very interesting. The offender (Buffalo Bill) is not hidden from the very beginning, we know how he looks like, and we know what his name is. The very essence of the film is not to find out who is the culprit, but to show how that culprit was found with the help of Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Thus, that is a bit unusual detective story. No "horror" in it is not present, only a psychological thriller and beauty shot. Scenario seems to be simple and stupid by many points, but that is that actually possible approach to the reality, and this rejoices. Special attention is given to camerawork, as the film required a lot of psychological attention to close-ups of the characters, and with this work the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Guns, Testosterone, and Aggression Essay Example for Free
Guns, Testosterone, and Aggression Essay Hypothesis: Can aggression be increased by the presence of weapons in the environment and by the hormone testosterone. Research Method Used: Experimental design and correlational study Test Subjects/ Participants: The test subjects were thirty male college students ranging from the ages 18 and 22 Variables that are being examined: The variables that are being examined are aggression, and testosterone levels How they are operationally defined and measure: The subject’s aggression was operationally defined by the amount of hot sauce in grams that they poured into the cup of water, it was measured on a scale. The testosterone levels were defined by the difference in the saliva from time 1 and time 2 briefly, what procedure was employed: Before the experiment begun both the experimental and the control group were asked to give a 6-ml sample of their saliva, which was used to measure their starting testosterone levels. The subjects were then placed in similar rooms with a particular item on a table. For the experimental group, the particular item was a pellet gun identical in size, shape and feel too a Desert Eagle handgun. The Control subjects object was the children’s game Mouse Trap. Subjects were then told to handle the objects for 15 minutes and other tasks pertaining to the object. After the 15 minutes were over another saliva sample was taken. The subject was then told to take a sip of water with a single drop of hot sauce. The subject was then told that the sample had been prepared by a previous subject and to rate the taste of the sample on a provided scale. The subject was then told to create a sample for the next subject by placing as much hot sauce in the water that they wanted but was assured that neither the next subject nor the experimenter would know how much hot sauce they put in it. Lastly the subjects had to watch a relaxing video of nature scenes and classical music. What were the results: The subjects who interacted with the handgun showed a greater increase in testosterone from the 1st saliva sample to the 2nd sample. Also subjects who interacted with the gun added more hot sauce to the water meaning that interacting with the gun increased aggressive behavior. Lastly the amount of hot sauce placed in the cup was positively correlated with changes in testosterone level.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Analysis of Sam Spade Essay -- sexual maturity, masculinity, film
There a many definitions of masculinity and those definitions are heavily influenced by culture, environment, media, and the child’s parents. When young men start to reach their sexual maturity, they have to create their own definition of what it is to be a man. The idea of masculinity creates a lot of questions, because there is no resource that will give a young male the answer. Due to this, young males learn what it is to be a man from a grab bag of possibilities. Eventually, the young male will have accumulated traits, appearances, behavior, and so on that defines what it is to be a man. With a new sense of self, the young male transforms into his idea of masculinity. In the Maltase Flacon, masculinity is defined through the actions of Sam Spade whom demonstrates the masculine principals of making his achievement of alpha male status a top priority, aggressive behavior, avoiding being feminine, homophobic, and restriction of his emotions (Meek) through his interaction with several characters throughout the film. Through out the film, Sam Spade has a constant need to prove to himself and other people around him that he is an alpha male. This need is triggered when Sam Spade feels intimidated or challenge by another male. Sam Spade’s alpha male status is challenged when he is taken at gunpoint by Wilmer Cook to see Kasper Gutman. Sam quickly rises to the challenge and manages to take Wilmer’s guns away from him (Falcon). Considering that the gun is a phallic symbol, one could interpret that when Sam took away Wilmer’s guns he symbolically took away Wilmer’s masculinity as punishment for challenging his alpha male status. Sam’s action of emasculating Wilmer inflates his ego and reinforces his masculinity though his achievem... ...ith several characters throughout the film. This particular definition of what it is to be a man is presented to the public in the form of media. It is possible that this film could serve as a guide for how young men of the past, present, or even future should behave in order to be considered a man. In this film, the femme fatale sexuality is censored, but the ideals that acting violently towards people who are homosexual, constantly fulfilling a need to achieve dominance through aggressive and violence behavior is the cultural norm of what it is to be a man. This film demonstrates people acceptance of this behavior and acts as propaganda. Works Cited Meek, Dr. Will. Psychology of Men. Ed. Dr. Will Meek. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. . The Maltese Falcon. Dir. John Huston. 1941. Warner Bros., 2000. DVD-ROM.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
A Study on the Neuroscience of Learning
The research to be carried out purposes at set uping the importance of neuroscience of larning in instruction and single development ; this means that effectual educational policies and patterns are prepared to give room for all the people to larn despite their acquisition challenges. it besides brings out how the encephalon develop during the childhood phase up to the maturity and the factors that influence their acquisition of which assorted steps may be devised to turn to them, for larning to be of importance to the person and the society as a whole. The research to be undertaken hence, ought to reply the undermentioned inquiries ; -How does neuroscience of larning impact on instruction direction and development? -What are the factors that influence neuroscience of larning? -How can neuroscience of larning be enhanced for larning to be effectual? Neuroscience is a field which deals with the survey of the human encephalon and the nervous system. It besides entails the biological footing of perceptual experience, acquisition, memory and being witting. The nervous system and the encephalon signifier the footing of the human acquisition. Learning on the other manus harmonizing to Koizumi refers to a procedure by which the encephalon reacts to stimuli by doing neural connexion that act as an information processing circuit and supply information storage In contrast, Coffield from the instruction research proposes that larning refers to important alterations in capableness, apprehension, attitudes or values by single groups, organisations or a society. Neuroscience of larning helps the stakeholders involved in instruction sector to come up with sound policies and they can plan a course of study which suits kids harmonizing to the demands. It besides grants an chance for early designation of kids with particular demands and facilitates the proviso of particular instruction in the state. ( Centre for Education Research and invention 2007 ) Neuroscience hence investigates how our encephalons learn, retrieve and maintaining what we learn repeatedly. Fruitious acquisition is influenced by the context provided by category suites and households, the course of study in topographic point and the instructors. Therefore, neuroscience of larning provides elaborate history of how scholars respond to different acquisition attacks and the acquisition methods, and how the environment influences the single acquisition procedure. The more we learn and know about our encephalons, we can utilize the same cognition in bettering the acquisition procedure in larning establishment right from preschool to the university degree.1.2 Specific aims-To set up the impacts of neuroscience of larning in instruction direction and development – To happen out the factors that influences the neuroscience of acquisition. – To happen out ways of enhance neuroscience of propensity.1.3 Research inquiries-How does neuroscience of larning impact on instruction direction and development? -What are the factors that influence neuroscience of larning? -How can neuroscience of larning be enhanced for larning to be effectual?2.0 THE LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 The encephalon development in neuroscience of larningHuman encephalon develops otherwise throughout his/her life clip that is from childhood to adulthood. Changes in human encephalons influences larning and as such different thing can be taught at different period in life.2.1.1 At the early phase of lifeThis is a suited age for larning because of the undermentioned grounds attributed to the encephalon: the procedure of synapses fabricating and neuron connexions is go oning at a higher in kids than during maturity. In this phase synaptic pruning occurs and as such this makes larning possible for the immature kids as there are a batch of alterations in their encephalons. Sniping and synaptogenesis have been coined from researches done on monkeys which show that these procedures occur early plenty in kids meaning that when a kid is three old ages old, it means that it is a good clip for larning. Second, it is the period in which a kid can larn a peculiar accomplishment or develop certain abilities. This explains why immature kids can bring forth and articulate words clearly than grownups since immature kids involve motion, memory and their ocular rudimentss that are learned of course. Last, are the effects of the improvished and enriched larning environment for illustration schoolrooms. The improvished environments are known to impact cognitive and nervous development.2.1.2 Brain development at the vernal phaseNeuroscience shows that the encephalon continues to develop even during adolescence period. This development occurs in largely in the parietal cerebral mantles and the bow portion where the synaptic pruning does non get down until after this period. Another alteration happening in these encephalon parts is the myelination which is the procedure of where axons relay the messages from and to the nerve cells and besides they become insulated medulla which is a fatty compo nent found in the encephalon. The insularity of the nerve cells increases its efficiency of relaying information in the encephalon. in these parts myelin procedure additions bit by bit throughout the period and besides to early adulthood easing the addition in the velocity of communicating of the neurals in these parts of the encephalon. Synaptic pruning continues to happen and as such it gives the teens the possibility of hive awaying batch information in their head because they activate many parts of their encephalons when larning equations in mathematics for illustration the algebraic 1s2.1.3 Brain development in the grownup phaseChanges happening are non much as those during childhood, the encephalon will go on to develop and alter even if there is addition in age. In this phase, the encephalon becomes less elastic and it commences losing the nerve cells at a faster rate. The neurogenesis besides occurs in one part of the encephalon significance that it is good prepared for unin terrupted acquisition and makes it able to accommodate to new state of affairss, twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours happenings and experiences that may hold important impacts to life.2.2 Factors act uponing neuroscience of larning2.2.1 The environmentHarmonizing to researches that have been done earlier, fostering of the encephalon plays a centre function in the acquisition procedure. It has besides provided the educationalists the information on the appropriate timings for different scholars set abouting assorted materials. Therefore, the procedure of fostering encephalons is non the same for every scholar because of the varied familial make- ups and the surrounding scholars are exposed to. The acquisition encephalon is hence, dependant on these two factors since it readily adapts to an environment easy. There is a close-link between the encephalon construction and the experiences it comes across. Experience is known to do alterations in the construction of the encephalon which in bend impacts on the effects that the predating experience has on the encephalon, this explains why there is single larning difference in our society which comes as a consequence of cumulative and uninterrupted interactions between the encephalon familial make up and the surrounding. The surrounding in which a scholar is exposed to impact the look of cistrons related to larning throughout 1s ‘ life-time. The end point therefore, affects the subsequent experience- elicit familial look. It is in this mode that each independent encephalon accumulates structural foibles which has impacted on the acquisition procedure, intending that it is hard to come up with an ideal environment for each scholar. Therefore, the acquisition environment is of great significance as it shapes the acquisition procedure. By understanding emotional and physiological procedures, educational and developing programmes can be designed to help in development of emotional intelligence so as to heighten larning capacity of the encephalon. It besides adds to specifying age appropriate schemes for modulating emotions. This means that parents and instructors embark on a pang lupus erythematosus environment for the scholars to grok and show their emotions clearly.2.2.2 Personal factorsThe esthesis and perceptual experience elements of a human being affect 1s larning, since the centripetal variety meats are the gateway of comprehending stimulations within the environment and acquisition. Therefore, if a scholar has a defect in one these centripetal organ larning because hard, for person who has a hapless oculus sight means that he/she can non cook clearly. Second, fatigue besides decreases encephalons ‘ efficiency in acquisition and has such if one is tired hold oning something is trouble. This is accompanied by ennui which makes one non to hold that impulse of larning. Third, neuroscience of acquisition is influenced age and adulthood of the person, kids can larn at earlier age than others and increase the age means that a scholar can work out jobs and can modulate his/her emotions. Fourthly, demands affect neuroscience of larning since there are basic demands which kids can make without. For illustration, nutrient, fondness and acknowledgment, without these turning kids are affected in a figure manner which deter them from larning and alterations their normal behaviour. Starving hapless kids concentrate less on larning than their opposite numbers who have sufficient nutrient. Last, motive has a human factor influences neuroscience of larning since it is the Centre of larning which drives a scholar to make something now and once more. When scholars are adequately motivated, larning is directed and engages pupils to activities which result in a uninterrupted acquisition.2.3 Contributions of neuroscience of larning towards instruction.From research workers done, instructors say that neuroscience of larning contributes to the apprehension of the schoolroom since instructors are enthusiastic about larning. It leads to the apprehension of the encephalon constructs and other constructs of larning. Neuroscience of acquisition has made instructors to understand and develop involvement in the figure of scholars holding psychological jobs, growing and development jobs. Guy Glaxaton suggested that instruction has been an unbarred field because of the dangers of enthusiasm. He said that educational jobs have to be justified and is to be done must be rationalized. the concerns of other educationalists is that they see that there is demand for moderateness between sense of cautiousness and the optimism that each stakeholder in the instruction sector has, this is for the acquisition to something of value. In general neuroscience of larning aids in job resolution. It provides the necessary information to the edifice of the educational theories and pattern. This is attributed to the fact that behavioural scientific discipline entirely is non equal plenty to used in finding if the development dyslexia is a upset of the primary ocular or that emanating from the phonological facet of the acquisition. On other manus, neuro-imaging which is a constituent of neuroscience of acquisition has aided in uncovering the reduced activation for the scholars with dyslexia job in the encephalon that supports the processing of the phonemics hence perpetuating behavioural mentioning of the phonological theory of dyslexia. Therefore, for kids or scholars with this job who receive good educational intercession may stop up altering. The activation forms of their encephalons may alter and look like those of people with no encephalon upsets. In relation to this, the encephalon parts may besides move as mechanisms for compensation. This assists instructors and other educationalists to understand that even if scholars holding dyslexia job better their behaviours, cognitive and nervous response by which they process written information still may be different taking to practical deductions on the given instructions during the learning procedure. There is clear groundss that neuroscience of acquisition is important in the linguistic communication development, mathematics and other facets of acquisition and literacy. Language is a cardinal thing in the production of unwritten work and academic attainment. Children who have linguistic communication jobs pose challenges on the readying of the educational policy and its execution in a state. The earlier these jobs are noticed the earlier the intercessions are made to help the acquisition environment particularly the schoolroom for it to ease linguistic communication development, which an indispensable constituent in kids ‘s live. Without proper educational intercessions it means that the person, the parent and the state ‘s ‘ economic system is affected negatively.DecisionFrom the literature reappraisal neuroscience of acquisition is a cardinal field which affects single acquisition and the instruction policies in a state. Neuroscience of larning reveals the impo rtance of the encephalon in the acquisition procedure and its development through homo ‘s growing. Neuroscience has hence helped educationalists to turn to the demands of kids with developmental jobs. The factors that influence neuroscience of larning have different impacts on the acquisition procedure and as such remedial steps have to be taken to heighten or to extinct their influence for larning to be effectual.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Alexander the Great vs Napoleon Bonaparte, What I Got so Far
When we think of Alexander the Great, we think of an outstanding war hero. When we think of Napoleon Bonaparte, we think, again, of an outstanding war hero. If a random person were asked who either of these rulers was, their first response would be a fact about war. Alexander and Napoleon share similarities in their warfare, and how they used it to conquer and establish new lands. Alexander the Great’s strong perseverance and incredible battle strategies led to increase his power over his empire. Napoleon used his intelligence and skill of manipulation to earn respect and support from the French people, which gained him great power.Both men had similar qualities attaining leadership but their strategies to reach this were very different. Alexander the Great was King of Macedon, a state located in Northern Greece. Aristotle tutored him until the age of 16, and by the age of 30 he had created one of the largest empires in the ancient world. As he was undefeated in battle, Alexan der is considered as one of history’s most successful military commanders and his battles and strategies are still taught at military schools worldwide. Alexander III of Macedon, commonly known as Alexander the Great, was born on a bright July day in 356 B.C. and died in June of 323 B. C. During his lifetime he was: King of Macedonia (336-323), Pharaoh of Egypt (332-323), King of Persia (330-323), and the King of Asia (331-323). From reading that alone, it is known that he was a conqueror and successful ruler. Alexander was the son of his predecessor Phillip II who passed away in 336 B. C. leaving the throne, a strong kingdom, and a very experienced army to Alexander. Alexander was awarded to be general of Greece and went on to complete his father’s military expansion plans. With this set up now, King Alexander wasted no time.In 334 B. C. he invaded the Persian-ruled Asia Minor and began a campaign lasting roughly ten years. During this campaign, specifically the battl es of Issus and Gaugamela, Alexander had broken the powers of Persia. Alexander the Great went on to overthrow King Darius III to conquer the entirety of the Persian Empire and now has a kingdom that reigns from the Adriatic Sea to the Indus River. That wasn’t enough for King Alexander; he wanted to reach the â€Å"ends of the world and the Great Outer Sea†. With this, he set off to invade India in 326 B. C. but was orced to turn around at the expense of his troops. Alexander the Great died in Babylon in 323 B. C. ; in years following his death many civil wars broke out and tore apart his empire. Many years later, in a galaxy far far away, on the date of August 15, 1769 another war hero and emperor was born, Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon reigned over the French from May 18, 1804 to April 11, 1814 and ruled Italy over the years from March 17, 1805 to April 11, 1814. Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, set up Napoleonic Code; it was a major influence in civil law jurisdict ions.Napoleon is best recognized for his role in the wars against France, known as the Napoleonic Wars. His success in these multiple battles led Napoleon to be known as one of the best military leaders of all time. His strategies and campaigns are studied at military schools around the world. Napoleon Bonaparte was born into a family of noble Italian ancestry. Napoleon settled in Corsica in the 16th century and later was trained as an artillery officer at a prestigious military school in France, where they most likely talked of Alexander the Great’s military conquests and strategies.In 1799, Napoleon staged a â€Å"coup d’etat†and made himself first consul. 5 years later the French proclaimed him emperor where he engaged in a series of battles, as said before these were known as the Napoleonic Wars. These wars involved every major power in Europe; after Napoleon’s many victories France maintained a dominant position of authority amongst the continent of Europe. In 1812, the French invasion of Russia and the Peninsula War were turning points in Napoleon’s career. Napoleon’s army was heavily damaged nor ever fully recovered.Just a year later, the 6th Coalition defeated what was left of Napoleon’s army and further invaded France, forced Napoleon to give up the throne, and exiled him to the island Elba. After a year of being exiled, Napoleon escaped from Elba and returned to France where he gained back control. It was only for a short period of time, until he was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. He spent the last four years of his life in confinement on another island, Saint Helena, where he died of stomach cancer.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Boiling Point Elevation Definition and Process
Boiling Point Elevation Definition and Process Boiling point elevation occurs when the boiling point of a solution becomes higher than the boiling point of a pure solvent. The temperature at which the solvent boils is increased by adding any non-volatile solute. A common example of boiling point elevation can be observed by adding salt to water. The boiling point of the water is increased (although in this case, not enough to affect the cooking rate of food). Boiling point elevation, like freezing point depression, is a colligative property of matter. This means it depends on the number of particles present in a solution and not on the type of particles or their mass. In other words, increasing the concentration of the particles increases the temperature at which the solution boils. How Boiling Point Elevation Works In a nutshell, boiling point increases because most of the solute particles remain in the liquid phase rather than enter the gas phase. In order for a liquid to boil, its vapor pressure needs to exceed ambient pressure, which is harder to achieve once you add a nonvolatile component. If you like, you could think of adding a solute as diluting the solvent. It doesnt matter whether the solute is an electrolyte or not. For example, boiling point elevation of water occurs whether you add salt (an electrolyte) or sugar (not an electrolyte). Boiling Point Elevation Equation The amount of boiling point elevation can be calculated using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation and Raoults law. For an ideal dilute solution: Boiling Pointtotal Boiling Pointsolvent ÃŽâ€Tb where ÃŽâ€Tb molality * Kb * i with Kb ebullioscopic constant (0.52 °C kg/mol for water) and i Vant Hoff factor The equation is also commonly written as: ÃŽâ€T Kbm The boiling point elevation constant depends on the solvent. For example, here are constants for some common solvents: Solvent Normal Boiling Point, oC Kb, oC m-1 water 100.0 0.512 benzene 80.1 2.53 chloroform 61.3 3.63 acetic acid 118.1 3.07 nitrobenzene 210.9 5.24
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
All Hail the Divine Ruler, Queen of Kish
All Hail the Divine Ruler, Queen of Kish Want to know which monarch of ancient Sumer reigned supreme at any given time? You’d have to check out the aptly named Sumerian King List. But the Sumerians had a super-special idea of â€Å"kingship†: it was a force that liked to travel. For generations at a time, nam-lugal, or â€Å"kingship,†was bestowed upon a particular city, represented by a monarch who ruled for a long time. Only one city was believed to hold true kingship at any given time. After a few hundred years, kingship went from one city to another, which then held the honor of nam-lugal for a few generations. Apparently, the gods, who bestowed rulership as a privilege, not a right, upon humans, got fed up of one place after a period of time, so they regifted it elsewhere. In reality, the list may have reflected a particular city’s rise to power or military defeat in Sumer: if City A came to prominence, then its hegemony could be justified by claiming divine right. This mythological idea wasnt realistic - many cities had individual kings reigning at the same time – but since when did myth have reflect reality? Its Ladies Night Tons of monarchs make an appearance on the Sumerian King List, but there’s only one lady named: Kubaba, or Kug-Bau. Not to be confused with the monster Huwawa or Hubaba in the Epic of Gilgamesh, Kubaba was a woman alone – the only queen regnant who’s recorded as bearing divine rulership. The Sumerian King List records that the city of Kish held nam-lugal multiple times. In fact, it was the first city to hold kingship after a great mythical flood – sound familiar? After sovereignty bounced around to a lot of different places, it landed in Kish a few more times – although that’s since been cast in doubt. On one of those occasions, a woman named Kug-Bau ruled the city. Drink Up! Kubaba is first identified in the King List as the â€Å"the woman tavern-keeper.†How could she have gone from owning a bar/inn to ruling a city? We can’t be sure, but female tavern-keepers actually held important positions in Sumerian mythology and daily life. Perhaps that’s because of the mega-importance of beer in Sumerian culture. While some scholars theorized that taverns equaled brothels in Sumer, apparently â€Å"tavern keeping was a common and respectable female occupation until later periods in Mesopotamia,†according to Julia Assante. Regardless of what kind of show they were running, women often ran taverns, holding perhaps one of the only independent female positions of power in ancient Sumer. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, an important character is Siduri the tavern-keeper, who runs an inn in the Underworld. She must be an immortal of some sort to live where she does, and gives Gilgamesh sage advice like â€Å"Who of the mortal can live forever? The life of man is short†¦.let there be pleasure and dancing.†So, in what was probably a very important epic even in antiquity, a female tavern-keeper was seen as a guide along perilous paths and a figure worthy of veneration. Real-life politics may or may not have allowed a tavern-keeper co to rule over her city. But what was the purpose in identifying her profession? By associating her with the mythical Siduri and a prominent feminine profession – whether she ran a brothel or not - the recorder of the King List literally immortalized Kubaba and made her the one of world’s most independent women before Beyoncà ©. According to Carol R. Fontaine in her essay â€Å"Visual Metaphors and Proverbs 15:15-20,†there was a sacredness attached to female tavern-keepers. She wrote that, â€Å"given the association of Inanna-Ishtar with the tavern and the sweet (sexual?) wine to be drunk there, as well as female ownership of taverns and involvement with the process of brewery, we should not assume Ku-Baba to be some sort of prostitute but a successful business woman with divine associations herself.†So what else did Kubaba do? The King List says she â€Å"made firm the foundations of Kish,†indicating she fortified it against invaders. Lots of monarchs did this; Gilgamesh even built a lot of walls to protect his city of Uruk . So it sounds like Kubaba carried on a grand royal tradition of building up her city. According to the King List, Kubaba ruled for one hundred years. That’s obviously exaggerated, but a lot of other monarchs on the list have similarly long reigns. But it didn’t last forever. Eventually, â€Å"Kish was defeated†– or destroyed, depending on the version you’re reading – and the gods decided to remove kingship from this city. It went to the city of Akshak instead. A Womans Work Never Ends But Kubaba’s legacy didn’t end there. It seems that later generations weren’t crazy about women occupying traditional men’s roles. A later omen reading indicated that, if an individual is born intersex, it’s the â€Å"omen of Ku-Bau who ruled the land; the land of the king will become waste.† By taking on the duties of a man – a king – Kubaba was seen to have crossed a boundary and transcended gender divisions in an improper fashion. Combining male and female genitalia in an individual would echo her reign as lugal, or king, which the ancients saw as violating the natural order of things. The omen texts indicate that both an individual with the sexual organs of two genders and a queen regnant were seen as unnatural. â€Å"These were linked in the elite mind as a challenge and threat to the political hegemony of the king,†said Fontaine. Similarly, in another omen reading, if a patient’s lung didn’t look so good, it was the sign of Kubaba, â€Å"who seized the kingship.† So, basically, Kubaba’s legacy served as a means of identifying bad stuff that went against the way things should be. Its also worth noting that Kubaba is portrayed as an improper usurper here. Kubaba’s legacy might not have been limited to her reputation. In fact, she mightve founded a real dynasty! After her reign, kingship transferred to Akshak; a few generations later, a king named Puzur-Nirah ruled there. Apparently, Kubaba was still alive at this time, according to the Weidner Chronicle, and Kubaba, a.k.a. â€Å"the alewife,†fed some local fishermen who lived near her house. Because she was so nice, the god Marduk liked her and gave â€Å"royal dominion of all lands entirely over to Ku-Baba.†On the King List, royal power is said to have gone back to Kish after Akshak†¦and guess who ruled? â€Å"Puzur-Suen, the son of Kug-Bau, became king; he ruled for 25 years.†So it looks like the story about Marduk giving kingship back to Kubaba’s family demonstrates her real-life family taking power eventually. Puzur-Suen’s son, Ur-Zubaba, ruled after him. According to the list, â€Å"131 are the years of the dynasty of Kug-Bau,†but that doesn’t add up when you tally the years of each reign. Oh, well! Eventually, the name â€Å"Kubaba†became best-known as that of a Neo-Hittite goddess, hailing from the city of Carchemish. This Kubaba probably didn’t have any relation to our Kug-Bau from Sumer, but an incarnation of the deity so prominent in Asia Minor might’ve become the goddess the Romans knew as Cybele (nà ©e Cybebe). If so, then the name Kubaba had come a long way from Kish!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Reflective evaluation of your teaching with recommendations Assignment
Reflective evaluation of your teaching with recommendations - Assignment Example Nursing is a sub-branch of medicine and hence requires students to be cautious and ready to handle emergencies in the health institution. The work load can be overwhelming for students in the nursing profession. It is, therefore, crucial that students should be well armed with knowledge on how to handle pressure in the work setting. The proficiency of a student in any profession reflects back to the tutor. This is the reason why teachers should be in a better position to transfer knowledge to students to enhance their ability to take care of patients. As mentioned, nursing is associated with saving of human lives, and this is the reason why a lot of caution should be taken when dealing with students in the profession. It should be made sure that the students are well behaved and disciplined because dealing with human lives is extremely sensitive. It is important for teachers to discourage behaviours that show a negative attitude in the profession of nursing. Intoxication by the abuse of drugs and alcohol are some of the prevalent behaviours with students at the college level. These behaviours should not be tolerated because once students in medicine engage in such behaviour, the health safety of the patients would be at risk. Stringent measures should hence be put in place to ensure that students do not jeopardise the health status of patients in the health centres. The Significance of Managing Acute Post-Operative Pain The clinical environment is one of the most sensitive ones in many health care institutions. Post-operative pain is some of the acute problems that face patients who are from surgical operations (Archer, Levy, & McGregor, 1993). Teachers should hence take initiative of ensuring that the students have the necessary knowledge and skills of handling acute post-operative pain in patients. This would ensure that the welfare of the patients is given priority. Surgical patients may face a lot of complications and this is the reason why students should be ready to handle such complications. The management of post-surgical pain is essential because it might be very severe and hence affect the health status of the patient. As a teacher, one should initiate highlighting the importance of managing acute post-operational pain. One of the strategies that should be involved in the teaching practice would be to give the negative impacts of this pain (Brown, Christo, & Wu, 2004). One of the negative impacts of acute post-operative pain is increased mortality or morbidity. Once students know that this pain can place the patient’s life at risk, the students would be ready to learn the different courses of action that should be taken in handling the pain. From medical research studies, surgery is known to suppress the immune system of the patient (V. Bullough & B. Bullough, 1999). This implies that the patient is more prevalent to opportunistic infections, hence high chances of mortality. With this knowledge, teachers should go the ext ra mile and provide a variety of corrective courses of action to safeguard the health status of the patient. One of the control strategies that should be proposed by the teachers is analgesia. Effective analgesia can counter the negative effects of acute post-operational pain. There is a variety of medications that should be administered to the patient. The teacher in charge of the students
Friday, November 1, 2019
Crito- Socrates argument against escape via the voice of The Laws Essay
Crito- Socrates argument against escape via the voice of The Laws - Essay Example Lastly, in his third argument Crito mentions Socrates responsibility to his children. As their father, it is Socrates responsibility to see that his children are brought up well and educated, and he cant do this if he is dead. (Woozley, 1979) Socrates of course is flattered, but he does not agree. Most of his response involves his theory of political obligation. He is sceptical that he will be welcomed in any other state, or will be happy and comfortable there. He will see himself as a foolish old man willing to humiliate himself in order to buy a few more years of life. If another state accepts him at all, hell be treated as a comic and pathetic figure. In addition, he is also is not swayed by the point about his children. If he flees, he will either take them with him, in which case they will be raised in a foreign land by a cowardly fugitive and lose the benefits of an Athenian upbringing, or they will be left behind to be raised by his friends. The first is undesirable, and the second is the same as what would happen if he were executed. ( Rudebusch, 2009) As far as what people will think of Crito and the others for supposedly failing to rescue him, he reminds Crito that they would long since come to realize that the opinions of the masses typically are not true anyway, just as we shouldnt care what someone who isnt an expert in physical fitness and athletics thinks about your physical training regimen, we also shouldnt care what non-experts think morally about the choices we make in life. Any time there is a choice between doing whats right and doing what will placate other people and avoid the harm that comes from their ill opinion of you, you should always do what is right, up to and including at the cost of your life. This point provides a transition to Socrates discussion of political obligation. He reminds Crito and the others present that they
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
AUDITING AND ASSURANCE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
AUDITING AND ASSURANCE - Essay Example Legislation and the Auditing Profession in the UK According to the True and Fair Organisation (2012), the audit profession in the UK is monitored closely, and regulated tightly in accordance with strict professional standards and legislation. Also, companies and individuals who breach any of the rules, outlined by Legislation, will face strict penalties. The audit profession is under the Legislation provisions of the UK Government. The government controls the audit profession through Legislation such as the Companies Act on Audit, Inspection and Community Enterprise of 2004 and 2006 (True and Fair Organisation, 2012). There are also the Auditors Regulations of 2007, which control the activities of the Audit profession in the UK. This Legislation controls and monitors how audits are carried out in the UK. Legislation regulates the auditing profession in the UK, under the Companies Act 2006 (Collings, 2013, p. 237). Therefore, it is a requirement that professional accountants should at tain a senior statutory auditor position for them to be able to practice audit-related work in the UK. Further, UK Legislation requires that companies must have their annual financial statements audited. Auditors are required by Law to follow ISA (UK and Ireland) 700 in the formation of an auditor’s report on financial statements, as issued by the Financial Reporting Council. Common Law versus Auditing Profession in the UK The UK court system has taken responsibility of safeguarding shareholders, who are termed as third parties, from fraudulent activities of company directors, in collaboration with auditors and audit firms. Therefore, it acts as a quality-control mechanism for the auditing profession (Johnstone, Gramling, & Rittenberg, 2013, p.14). Common Law requires that auditors should observe care of professional advice to avoid violating the provisions of the civil law of negligence (Davies, 2011, p. 7). Auditors should also observe their duty of care diligently, while p erforming audit work because the UK Legal System is based on Common Law (Davies, 2011, p. 7). Company directors have the responsibility of preparing financial statements that should present a true and fair value of the organisation. Therefore, they contribute to the outcome of audit processes in one way or the other. The public may sue auditors and auditing firms under state statutes and Common Law for substandard audit work (Johnstone, Gramling, & Rittenberg, 2013, p. 14). The public, in this case, comprises of shareholders and other investors who may rely on the information provided by company directors and auditors to make financial decisions. In some circumstances, according to Common Law, disclosure may be justified in the public interest where there is no instance of noncompliance with Law regulations. For instance, where the public is being misled or the public’s interests are being damaged by auditors’ activities (FRC, 2013, p. 17). Therefore, Common Law contro ls the audit profession in the UK in that, it requires auditors to comply with the provisions of Common Law. Auditors and audit firms, who violate Common Law provisions, can be sued under Common Law by third parties. Regulatory and Professional Elements versus Auditing Profession in the UK Various independent Regulatory and Professional bodies have been created to control the auditing profession in the UK. The Regulatory and Pr
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Boundary Of The Boundless Of Anaximander Philosophy Essay
The Boundary Of The Boundless Of Anaximander Philosophy Essay This study tells about Anaximanders theory of Apeiron and as well as his life and his philosophical background. Anaximander is said to be a younger contemporary of Thales, who also sought for the first material principle; he was a disciple and successor of Thales and philosophized in dialogue with him. He was not mentioned until the time of Aristotle. Unlike Thales, Anaximander wrote a philosophical work, entitled On Nature; unfortunately, neither this nor any of his other works has survived. The information about his philosophy came from summaries of it by other writers, especially Aristotle and Theophrastus. Anaximander was said to have drawn the first map of the inhabited world on a tablet, which was a marvel in his day (Agathemerus I, 1) Statement of the Problem Anaximanders theory of Apeiron, a Greek word which literarily means boundless, indeterminate, unlimited, infinite, or indefinite is an unintelligible idea about the origin of all things. It gave confusion with his Arche which means beginning, or origin. He explains how the four elements of ancient physics (air, earth, water and fire) are formed, and how Earth and terrestrial beings are formed through their interactions. However, unlike other Pre-Socratics, he never defines this principle precisely, and it has generally been understood (e.g., by Aristotle and by Saint Augustine) as a sort of primal chaos. The researcher has his own rule on doing this research. The studies came from the book and through internet. The researchers use a descriptive type of research. This research is for educational purposes and serves as a requirement in on the researchers study. All of the information that has gathered in the entire sources is a big help in answering the research. All of the information that was gathered will serve as knowledge to us and for the readers. This study will be beneficial to the students and instructors. This researchs goal is designed to help students improve academic competency. The output of this study is a source material that the teachers can assimilate and disseminate by diffusion and induction technique. The proposed study serves the students as their reference or guide in creating their research. It will also help students taking help in making their research studies about their topics. For the teachers, this study will help them to have a deeper understanding of the said research. By this study they will come up with easier and powerful research. To the researchers, the proposed study will benefit and help the future researcher as their guide. The study can also open in development of this study. Background of the Study Anaximanders Biography Anaximander, son of Praxiades, was born in Miletus during the third year of the 42nd Olympiad (610 BC). According to Apollodorus of Athens, Greek grammarian of the 2nd century BC, he was sixty-four years old during the second year of the 58th Olympiad (547-546 BC), and died shortly afterwards. Establishing a timeline of his work is now impossible, since no document provides chronological references. Themistius, a 4th-century Byzantine rhetorician, mentions that he was the first of the known Greeks to publish a written document on nature. Therefore his texts would be amongst the earliest written in prose, at least in the Western world. By the time of Plato, his philosophy was almost forgotten, and Aristotle, his successor Theophrastus and a few doxographers provide us with the little information that remains. However, we know from Aristotle that Thales, also from Miletus, precedes Anaximander. It is debatable whether Thales actually was the teacher of Anaximander, but there is no doubt that Anaximander was influenced by Thales theory that everything is derived from water. One thing that is not debatable is that even the ancient Greeks considered Anaximander to be from the Monist school which began in Miletus with Thales followed by Anaximander and finished with Anaximenes 3rd-centuryRoman rhetorician Aelian depicts him as leader of the Milesian colony to Apollonia on the Black Sea coast, and hence some have inferred that he was a prominent citizen. Indeed, Various History (III, 17) explains that philosophers sometimes also dealt with political matters. It is very likely that leaders of Miletus sent him there as a legislator to create a constitution or simply to maintain the colonys allegiance. Philosophical View The Apeiron Anaximander shares Thales assumption that all things originate from one original element and ultimately are that element; to use Aristotles terminology, he holds that there is a first (material) principle (arche) of all things. Unlike Thales, however, Anaximander asserts that the first principle is not water but what he calls theapeiron, translated as the indeterminate or limitless. Simplicius , drawing upon theophrastus work, gives following account of anaximanders. Anaximander named the arche and element of existing things the apeiron, being the first to introduce this name for the arche. He says that it is neither water nor any other of the so-called elements, but a different substance that is limitless or indeterminate, from which there come into being all the heavens and the worlds within them. Harmony of the Opposites Dependent upon Theophrastus, Simplicius says according to Anaximander, things perish into those things out of which they have their being, according to necessity; for they make just recompense to one another for their injustice according to the ordinance or assessment of time. The Aperion as Unconditioned and God We cannot say that the apeiron has no effect, and the only effectiveness which we can ascribe to it is that of a principle. Everything is either a source or derived from a source. But there cannot be a source of the apeiron, for that would be a limit of it. Further, as it is a Beginning, it is both uncreatable and indestructible. For there must be a point at which what has come to be reaches completion and also a termination of all passing away. That is why, as we say there is no principle of this, but it is this which is held to be the principle of other things, and to encompass all and to steer all; as those assert who do not recognize, alongside the infinite, other causes such as mind or friendship. Theories Anaximanders theories were influenced by the Greek mythical tradition, and by some ideas of Thales the father of philosophy as well as by observations made by older civilizations in the East (especially by the Babylonian astrologists). All these were elaborated rationally. In his desire to find some universal principle, he assumed like traditional religion the existence of a cosmic order and in elaborating his ideas on this he used the old mythical language which ascribed divine control to various spheres of reality. This was a common practice for the Greek philosophers in a society which saw gods everywhere; therefore they could fit their ideas into a tolerably elastic system. Apeiron For Anaximander, the principle of things, the constituent of all substances, is nothing determined and not an element such as water in Thales view. Neither is it something halfway between air and water, or between air and fire, thicker than air and fire, or more subtle than water and earth. Anaximander argues that water cannot embrace all of the opposites found in nature for example, water can only be wet, never dry and therefore cannot be the one primary substance; nor could any of the other candidates. He postulated the apeiron as a substance that, although not directly perceptible to us, could explain the opposites he saw around him. Anaximander maintains that all dying things are returning to the element from which they came (apeiron). Cosmology Anaximanders bold use of non-mythological explanatory hypotheses considerably distinguishes him from previous cosmology writers such as Hesiod. It confirms that pre-Socratic philosophers were making an early effort to demythify physical processes. His major contribution to history was writing the oldest prose document about the Universe and the origins of life; for this he is often called the Father of Cosmology and founder of astronomy. However, pseudo-Plutarch states that he still viewed celestial bodies as deities. Anaximander was the first to conceive a mechanical model of the world. In his model, the Earth floats very still in the centre of the infinite, not supported by anything. It remains in the same place because of its indifference, a point of view that Aristotle considered ingenious, but false, in On the Heavens. Its curious shape is that of a cylinder with a height one-third of its diameter. The flat top forms the inhabited world, which is surrounded by a circular oceanic mass. Such a model allowed the concept that celestial bodies could pass under it. It goes further than Thales claim of a world floating on water, for which Thales faced the problem of explaining what would contain this ocean, while Anaximander solved it by introducing his concept of infinite (apeiron). Multiple Worlds According to Simplicius, Anaximander already speculated on the plurality of worlds, similar to atomists Leucippus and Democritus, and later philosopher Epicurus. These thinkers supposed that worlds appeared and disappeared for a while, and that some were born when others perished. They claimed that this movement was eternal, for without movement, there can be no generation, no destruction. In addition to Simplicius, Hippolytus reports Anaximanders claim that from the infinite comes the principle of beings, which themselves come from the heavens and the worlds (several doxographers use the plural when this philosopher is referring to the worlds within, which are often infinite in quantity). Cicero writes that he attributes different gods to the countless worlds. This theory places Anaximander close to the Atomists and the Epicureans who, more than a century later, also claimed that an infinity of worlds appeared and disappeared. In the timeline of the Greek history of thought, some thinkers conceptualized a single world (Plato, Aristotle, Anaxagoras and Archelaus), while others instead speculated on the existence of a series of worlds, continuous or non-continuous (Anaximenes, Heraclitus, Empedocles and Diogenes).  Meteorological phenomena Anaximander attributed some phenomena, such as thunder and lightning, to the intervention of elements, rather than to divine causes. In his system, thunder results from the shock of clouds hitting each other; the loudness of the sound is proportionate with that of the shock. Thunder without lightning is the result of the wind being too weak to emit any flame, but strong enough to produce a sound. A flash of lightning without thunder is a jolt of the air that disperses and falls, allowing a less active fire to break free. Thunderbolts are the result of a thicker and more violent air flow. He saw the sea as a remnant of the mass of humidity that once surrounded Earth. A part of that mass evaporated under the suns action, thus causing the winds and even the rotation of the celestial bodies, which he believed were attracted to places where water is more abundant. He explained rain as a product of the humidity pumped up from Earth by the sun. For him, the Earth was slowly drying up and water only remained in the deepest regions, which someday would go dry as well. According to Aristotles Meteorology (II, 3), Democritus also shared this opinion. Origin of humankind Anaximander speculated about the beginnings and origin of animal life. Taking into account the existence of fossils, he claimed that animals sprang out of the sea long ago. The first animals were born trapped in a spiny bark, but as they got older, the bark would dry up and break. Anaximander put forward the idea that humans had to spend part of this transition inside the mouths of big fish to protect themselves from the Earths climate until they could come out in open air and lose their scales. He thought that, considering humans extended infancy, we could not have survived in the primeval world in the same manner we do presently. Other Accomplishments Cartography Maps were produced in ancient times, also notably in Egypt, Lydia, the Middle East, and Babylon. Only some small examples survived until today. The unique example of a world map comes from late Babylonian tablet BM 92687 later than 9th century BCE but is based probably on a much older map. These maps indicated directions, roads, towns, borders, and geological features. Anaximanders innovation was to represent the entire inhabited land known to the ancient Greeks. Such an accomplishment is more significant than it at first appears. Anaximander most likely drew this map for three reasons. First, it could be used to improve navigation and trade between Miletuss colonies and other colonies around the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea. Second, Thales would probably have found it easier to convince the Ionian city-states to join in a federation in order to push the Median threat away if he possessed such a tool. Finally, the philosophical idea of a global representation of the world simply for the sake of knowledge was reason enough to design one. Gnomon The Suda relates that Anaximander explained some basic notions of geometry. It also mentions his interest in the measurement of time and associates him with the introduction in Greece of the gnomon. In Lacedaemon, he participated in the construction, or at least in the adjustment, of sundials to indicate solstices and equinoxes. Indeed, a gnomon required adjustments from a place to another because of the difference in latitude. In his time, the gnomon was simply a vertical pillar or rod mounted on a horizontal plane. The position of its shadow on the plane indicated the time of day. As it moves through its apparent course, the sun draws a curve with the tip of the projected shadow, which is shortest at noon, when pointing due south. The variation in the tips position at noon indicates the solar time and the seasons; the shadow is longest on the winter solstice and shortest on the summer solstice. However, the invention of the gnomon itself cannot be attributed to Anaximander because its use, as well as the division of days into twelve parts, came from the Babylonians. It is they, according toHerodotus Histories (II, 109), who gave the Greeks the art of time measurement. It is likely that he was not the first to determine the solstices, because no calculation is necessary. On the other hand, equinoxes do not correspond to the middle point between the positions during solstices, as the Babylonians thought. As the Suda seems to suggest, it is very likely that with his knowledge of geometry, he became the first Greek to accurately determine the equinoxes. Prediction of an earthquake In his philosophical work De Divinatione (I, 50, 112), Cicero states that Anaximander convinced the inhabitants of Lacedaemon to abandon their city and spend the night in the country with their weapons because an earthquake was near. The city collapsed when the top of the Taygetus split like the stern of a ship. Pliny the Elder also mentions this anecdote (II, 81), suggesting that it came from an admirable inspiration, as opposed to Cicero, who did not associate the prediction with divination. Philosophy Contributions Cosmology the production of the opposite and their separating off are important in his cosmology penalty and retribution of the opposites in accord to the assessment of time. The earth is cylindrical in shape and its depth is 1/3 its breath. It is immobile (the earth does not rest on water ) in the center of the universe by way of its equilibrium. The earth may someday become dry. Concerning the formation of the heavenly bodies: the sun is equal to the earth. The circles and spheres carry the heavenly bodies. An eclipse occur when the aperture of the sun or moon are blocked. Concerning meteorological phenomena: the winds thunder and lightning all these have to do with winds. Zoogamy the 1st living creatures were born in moisture and enclosed in thorny barks. As their age grows they came forth into the drier part and the bark was broken off. Anthropology- Anaximander held the theory of evolution of animals. Man was born from animals of another species (man come into being inside fishes). Conclusion Anaximander was indeed one of the greatest minds that ever lived. By speculating and arguing about the Boundless he was the first metaphysician. By drawing a map of the world he was the first geographer, by boldly speculating about the universe he broke with the ancient image of the celestial vault and became the discoverer of the Western world-picture. The Boundless has no origin. For then it would have a limit. Aristotle once said there is no beginning of the infinite, or in that case it would have an end. But without beginning and indestructible, as being, a sort of first principle is necessary for whatever comes into existence should have and end and there is a conclusion of all destruction. But there is no principle of this Apeiron ( and Anaximander himself affirm that that all dying things are returning to the element which they came which is the apeiron. The fact that things dies, decays, or wither states its limit, therefore it is limite d, finite, and is bounded by the natural law. We find his theory of Apeiron unbelievable especially when it is first; a theory and has no proof, second; a paradox itself in a way that he viewed the world as tangled in a neatly bounded category. Its hard to believe on what someone has said when that someone, itself, defies what he have stated and thus formed a seemingly contradictory paradox that leads to confusion.
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